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On the shop track and the end of their day’s work this is where they take their time from plus final inspection time. The Booking Room is upstairs in the Lambton Locomotive Department office building where the engineer will fill out a work report detailing needed maintenance. After which both the engineer and fireman will book off duty in the book provided for this purpose.  The bunkhouse is a short walk back along the shop track. It is an old duplex house with its dividing wall partially removed.  The tail-end crew will sleep in their van. Monday, November 9, 1959.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Bob Shaw/R.L.Kennedy Collection all rights reserved.

Caption: On the shop track and the end of their day’s work this is where they take their time from plus final inspection time. The Booking Room is upstairs in the Lambton Locomotive Department office building where the engineer will fill out a work report detailing needed maintenance. After which both the engineer and fireman will book off duty in the book provided for this purpose. The bunkhouse is a short walk back along the shop track. It is an old duplex house with its dividing wall partially removed. The tail-end crew will sleep in their van. Monday, November 9, 1959.

Bob Shaw/R.L.Kennedy Collection [19] (more) (contact)
Date: 11/09//1959 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CP 1087 (search)
Train Symbol: Extra 1087 West (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Lambton Yard (search)
City/Town: Toronto (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=17588
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One Comment
  1. A 6 day a week job?
    The railways must have been a bastion of 6 days long after other workers went to 5. I seem to remember by this time my Dad, who worked in an office downtown, worked one Saturday a month. Railwaymen were said to love their jobs despite things like long hours. Again, the things seen in this picture have completely disappeared. Thanks for capturing this moment in time.

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