About us:
Railpictures.ca is dedicated to bringing premium Canadian Railway photography content to all interested viewers across our vast country and throughout the world. Our website is proudly hosted in Montreal, Quebec, Canada in a world class Data Centre complete with high availability infrastructure and blistering download speeds.

Our photos:
Photos shown on this site are submitted by our hundreds of registered users, and screened by a team of moderators. All photos must meet our strict guidelines for acceptance as we strive for photography excellence. Thank you to all contributors who have submitted photos!

System Requirements:
To view our site properly, you must be using a modern browser (Firefox, Chrome, or IE 11 or higher – on mobile: Android, IOS or better. (We work on older platforms too)) and have Javascript and cookies enabled. For screen resolution, your computer must operate at a resolution HIGHER than 1024×768 and have minimum 24 bit colour (16 million colours). If you do not meet our minimum requirements you may not be experiencing all our site features – we encourage you to upgrade to better your experience.

Our volunteer group of moderators are a diverse group of photographers, each with strengths in various photographic fields, such as strength in photographic ability, and/or experience in photo editing. We also have technical volunteers who work behind the scenes to ensure a smooth experience for our users. Our group of digitla volunteers at this time include:

Dan Dell’Unto – Photo Editor/Social Media/Moderator
Dave Young – Moderator
Joseph Bishop – Database Editor
Michael DaCosta – Moderator
Paul Cordingley – Moderator
Rob Eull – Moderator
Ryan Gaynor – Moderator
Stephen Host – Programming/Photo Editor/Database Editor

We also have a gang of folks who are also working behind the scenes to help deliver collections from photographers practiced in the art of physical mediums like Film or Slides. Without their ongoing assistance, some great photographers, many of which are still active in our community, would have not been shared here. Whether it’s handling physical slides, firing up a scanner, editing the digital scan, or determining a location and/or adding a caption we all owe a debt to these folks as well to the collection owner or photographers who are sharing their work with us. With great thanks to many of our silent partners who deserve recognition:

Bryce Lee, Bruce Acheson, John Eull, Bruce Mercer, Larry Smith, Jacob Patterson, and Dan Dellunto who continue to work with us to deliver some amazing content. Any folks interested in helping we’re more than willing to add more names on the board if you help bring a collection here for all to see.

Acknowledgements:The team would also like to thank Brendan Frisina and Jay Brooks for their advice during start-up of the site, and James Prunean for graphic design work. Of course, a photo site is nothing without the contributions of our hundreds of photographers, and also our viewers that participate by commenting or favouriting photos. Thanks everyone!

Help wanted: we are particularly interested in adding a volunteer with PHP/HTML/SQL/Javascript experience – if you think you have the skill contact us.

Do you own or have a collection to share?

First, see Why railpictures.ca to understand why sharing on our site is a good idea.

If you have a collection and a scanner – and you want to share through our site you can start right now. Register for an account today to get started.

If you own a collection of slides, prints, glass negatives, etc. and you wish to share them with our viewers but are not sure how to scan them – contact us and we will see what we can do to help you. We may be able to help you preserve your collection for generations to come. If you wish to use a third party scanning service, we reccomend http://photoscanning.ca for Canadians, and http://digmypics.com for those in the USA or Elsewhere in the world. Scanning can be had for as low as 10c per image and you’ll get your slides back in one to two weeks on digital media.

If you have scanned your photos but you need editing help – our photo editor volunteers will help you get started. . We can remove those pesky dust spots, any blemishes or cuts, and even correct that nasty green or red cast and make your slide look like new again. Contact us and we’ll get you going through the free services of our photo editing team.


Railpictures.ca uses advertising (using Google Adsense) to offset our costs for domain fees, hosting, and bandwidth. We operate like a not-for-profit and unlike other sites that blast you with ads and popups, we only display just enough to cover our costs. If a generous donor wanted to eliminate ads on Railpictures.ca for one year, send us $500 USD and we’ll gladly remove ads. We never will sell memberships, access to photos, or any other features to any one person or group – it should be free for everyone regardless of status. If you are an advertiser… sorry, but we really don’t want to display ads so we’re not accepting any advertisers or affiliate networks right now. :)

ad-free privileges

Our photographers who post great work to railpictures.ca deserve to be rewarded. In order to reward them for their generous photo contributions, we aim to provide all of our photographers, who have contributed a minimum of 40 images automatic ad-free browsing privileges. If you are a talented photographer wishing to join us, consider signing up for an account today. We do not offer ad-free browsing in any other capacity at this time unless a donor comes forward per above.

Photo usage:
Photos on this site are copyrighted and MAY NOT be used for ANY purpose without explicit written permission of the photographer. You are however permitted to post hyperlinks to our photo pages – using our share link or page link on forums, e-mail, facebook, twitter, discussion forums, social media, etc. If you are interested in contacting a photographer for permission to use a photo, please use the photo page of the picture in question and use the ‘contact photographer’ link on the page. To contact the railpictures.ca staff, use the form below.

Contact us using the form below – NOTE: This form is only for contacting the rp.ca staff. To contact a photographer, use the photo page of the photographer in question and find the contact link there please:

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)


Your Message

Fill in the blank_: Canadian National ______=? 

Railpictures.ca © 2006-2024 all rights reserved. Photographs are copyright of the photographer and used with permission
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