Profile Page for train lover

This page shows statistics, photos, and an all-time map for train lover. Photographers: Filling your map and earning awards can only be done one way. Submit today!

About train lover

Been on passenger trains since 6 months.When the old station in Welland on King St closed 1975 and new station opened down the line I thought the service was also terminated , I did not know. So was taking the yuk .. bus to St .Catharines, from Toronto when I could have been on the train.Also the train was much closer to my home.Could someone tell me when the passenger service stopped in Fort Erie. Shame Fort Erie being a big train city not to mention a border town. Also the T H & B passenger stations. I still recall working in Stevensville 1977/78 and the train passing by and waving, at the passengers,I believe it also had a small food car from what I could tell. But like the dummy that I am I did not know that it stopped further down the line in Welland ,duh.. to me .

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