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Another pic from my series on the 'Ocean Limited'. Interior view of the bullet lounge on the "Park" series dome-observation car at the end of the train. The CN line via Campbellton is in need of major repairs and so far funding has only been secured for part of the line, leaving the future of this train very much in doubt. I would recommend to those who were planning to take a trip on this train to do so sooner rather than later. 
HERE'S A TIP TO SAVE SOME MONEY for those interested in riding this train. It's a little known fact that The National Association of Railroad Passengers (NARP) offers a $35 membership card that gives a 10% discount to NARP members on all VIA & Amtrak trains. The discount was also good for my wife and on this one trip alone, the NARP discount for me & my wife paid for the card several times over. And this was on top of the 50% discount VIA had at the time! We went in sleeper class, not sure what the discount would be in coach but if you are planning more than 1 trip on VIA or Amtrak in the next year it would probably be worth it. You have to book over the phone or in person to receive the NARP discount & give your membership #. It's so little known that some VIA agents aren't aware of its existence, you can show them the details at the link below:
For more pics & videos from my collection see  http://northamericabyrail.info  (new trips added)
Copyright Notice: This image ©Hiawatha Pete all rights reserved.

Caption: Another pic from my series on the 'Ocean Limited'. Interior view of the bullet lounge on the "Park" series dome-observation car at the end of the train. The CN line via Campbellton is in need of major repairs and so far funding has only been secured for part of the line, leaving the future of this train very much in doubt. I would recommend to those who were planning to take a trip on this train to do so sooner rather than later. HERE'S A TIP TO SAVE SOME MONEY for those interested in riding this train. It's a little known fact that The National Association of Railroad Passengers (NARP) offers a $35 membership card that gives a 10% discount to NARP members on all VIA & Amtrak trains. The discount was also good for my wife and on this one trip alone, the NARP discount for me & my wife paid for the card several times over. And this was on top of the 50% discount VIA had at the time! We went in sleeper class, not sure what the discount would be in coach but if you are planning more than 1 trip on VIA or Amtrak in the next year it would probably be worth it. You have to book over the phone or in person to receive the NARP discount & give your membership #. It's so little known that some VIA agents aren't aware of its existence, you can show them the details at the link below: http://www.narprail.org/news/hotline/2208-hotline-801-march-8-2013 For more pics & videos from my collection see http://northamericabyrail.info (new trips added)

Hiawatha Pete [100] (more) (contact)
Date: 07/.04/2013 (search)
Railway: VIA Rail (search)
Reporting Marks: VIA 6437 (search)
Train Symbol: VIA 14 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Matapedia (search)
City/Town: Matapedia (search)
Province: Quebec (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=13404
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  1. Great tip! Thanks.

  2. FYI the link above is from last year but still valid. I just spoke with NARP today Feb 2nd 2014 & they confirmed the continuing availability of the 10% NARP discount on VIA. See also link to the join NARP page below: http://www.narprail.org/donate/join

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