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CN 106, 4796 & 105 with an 18 car Agawa Canyon Tour train consist at Agawa Canyon Park on the last run of 2015. The Coalition for Algoma Passenger trains is trying to find a new operator, in the meantime with regular passenger service halted and CN failing to make any announcement about running the tour train in 2016, the future of any form of passenger service on this line appears very much in doubt. The root cause of this deplorable situation: the Federal Conservatives' decision that the train did not qualify for the remote rail program - in spite of a complete lack of roads much less any other form of public transportation in many of the locales served by the train. 

Passenger Rail - in spite of receiving less than 1% of the spending given to other modes http://www.comt.ca/english/statistics.pdf - is constantly under attack by so-called fiscal conservatives who claim we’re spending too much on trains. Why? Because of slight-of-hand misinformation by highway/aviation special interests to keep you focused on the flea instead of the elephant.

As we head to the polls, those who support passenger trains should remember the federal governments' decision to cut ACR's, as well as VIA's, meager funding leaving people stranded in towns with no other form of public transportation, all while spending billions on roads, marine terminals, airports, sidewalks ect, which aren't expected to pay their own way much less operate at a profit. Here's to making our vote count October 19.

Check out my website at  http://northamericabyrail.info  , Cheers, Pete
Copyright Notice: This image ©Hiawatha Pete all rights reserved.

Caption: CN 106, 4796 & 105 with an 18 car Agawa Canyon Tour train consist at Agawa Canyon Park on the last run of 2015. The Coalition for Algoma Passenger trains is trying to find a new operator, in the meantime with regular passenger service halted and CN failing to make any announcement about running the tour train in 2016, the future of any form of passenger service on this line appears very much in doubt. The root cause of this deplorable situation: the Federal Conservatives' decision that the train did not qualify for the remote rail program - in spite of a complete lack of roads much less any other form of public transportation in many of the locales served by the train. Passenger Rail - in spite of receiving less than 1% of the government spending given to other modes http://www.comt.ca/english/statistics.pdf - is constantly under attack by so-called fiscal conservatives who claim we’re spending too much on trains. Why? Because of slight-of-hand misinformation by highway/aviation special interests to keep you focused on the flea instead of the elephant. As we head to the polls, those who support passenger trains should remember the federal governments' decision to cut ACR's, as well as VIA's, meager funding leaving people stranded in towns with no other form of public transportation, all while spending billions on roads, marine terminals, airports, sidewalks ect, which aren't expected to pay their own way much less operate at a profit. Here's to making our vote count October 19. Check out my website at http://northamericabyrail.info , Cheers, Pete

Hiawatha Pete [100] (more) (contact)
Date: 10/12/2015 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 106 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Not Provided
City/Town: Agawa Canyon (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=21132
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  1. WOW!!! Pete I had no idea. Great shot though. Sad that this is appearing to be done…so many years and for what? Rusty rails that only hold memories? The railways don’t value those – and neither does the government. I am hoping this will be resurrected not only for 2016 – but year round again like it used to be.

  2. Those first two cars behind the engines are the ones previously used on the regular train. Last year they could have only ever run a maximum 16 car tour train; those extra two cars for the peak season this year are a sort of temporary “fringe benefit” to the tour train.

  3. Thanks for the compliment Todd, and for the info Chris.

    Hopefully the tour train will keep running.

    Best Regards,


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