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CP RS18 8766 leads an eastbound freight bound for Agincourt yard
Copyright Notice: This image ©Dave K. all rights reserved.

Caption: CP RS18 8766 leads an eastbound freight bound for Agincourt yard

Dave K. [8] (more) (contact)
Date: 06/00/197? (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CP8766 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: North Toronto (search)
City/Town: Toronto (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=22480
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Photo ID: 21346

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  1. Great shot. What’s that small, yellow box thing on the switch points?

  2. I’m not sure. The switch stand was off to the left so it could be part of the mechanism. There is bound to be someone out there who knows though.

  3. That yellow box, appears to be a CP style slide derail.

    I could be wrong, but there’s definitely a derail infront of those switch points.

  4. It looks like the joint bar and opposite rail have been painted yellow to indicate the fouling point to the main line.

  5. The yellow thing is a slide type derail. They used a stubby switchstand to operate the device. The yellow paint
    What I find unusual in this photo is the plow pilot. I don’t recall seeing them on on an RS-18. A number of RS-10s had them.

  6. oops, looks like my PC cut out the text that should have followed yellow paint. It should have read: The yellow paint is indeed intended to mark the fouling point. Track beyond those was bonded and cars left beyond that would trip the signals. The derail might also have been connected to the signals. Those yellow foul markings were helpful unless there was a pile of snow covering them.

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