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Every so often one will hear CN blowing for the old Beare Landfill grade crossing and CP for either Ressor Road to the west or Beare Road to the east, only to have the over/under shot marred by less than ideal timing. Case and point, a 206 car CN 305 makes its presence known to the south, moments later followed by CP to the west. CN is climbing a grade, whereas CP is not. But CP's trains are longer and if eastbound, they're only just beginning to accelerate out of yard limits as the power draws near to the bridge and not exactly making time on the approach. With CN 3010, 2662, and DP 2932 providing the impetus, and 125 of their 206 cars being potash empties, CN 305 easily gets to the over/under before CP. Opportunity lost. 

So what are the odds of the over/under between the CN DP and the CP's headend? Apparently pretty good. Even better, CP 142's power includes a little bonus in the form of a former Conrail C40-8W, NS 8427, trailing CP 8879. Nice. 1206hrs.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Mike Lockwood all rights reserved.

Caption: Every so often one will hear CN blowing for the old Beare Landfill grade crossing and CP for either Ressor Road to the west or Beare Road to the east, only to have the over/under shot marred by less than ideal timing. Case and point, a 206 car CN 305 makes its presence known to the south, moments later followed by CP to the west. CN is climbing a grade, whereas CP is not. But CP's trains are longer and if eastbound, they're only just beginning to accelerate out of yard limits as the power draws near to the bridge and not exactly making time on the approach. With CN 3010, 2662, and DP 2932 providing the impetus, and 125 of their 206 cars being potash empties, CN 305 easily gets to the over/under before CP. Opportunity lost.

So what are the odds of the over/under between the CN DP and the CP's headend? Apparently pretty good. Even better, CP 142's power includes a little bonus in the form of a former Conrail C40-8W, NS 8427, trailing CP 8879. Nice. 1206hrs.

Mike Lockwood [264] (more) (contact)
Date: 02/25/2016 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 2932 (search)
Train Symbol: CN 305 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CN York Sub (search)
City/Town: Beare (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=23628
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Photo ID: 22479

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  1. Great shot! Always see photographers near Plug Hat Rd as I climb the York Sub.

  2. You are one lucky guy Mike :) Two in less than a year..

  3. Heh, it’s probably me you see there half the time.

    Host, #prettymuchlivesthere, lol.

  4. Haha, well Mike if i see you I will blow the horn and wave and I promise not to moon you like some of my less mature collegues do on ocassion :-)

  5. Mike, you are one fortunate photographer. Great picture and one I never seem to achieve. Way to go !

  6. Wow, I really like this shot! Low odds of getting a pic of the CNR DPU timed perfectly with the CP’s head end power, that’s a very fortunate shot and looks great ????

  7. Edit: looks great !!!!!

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