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F for Freight. The first two locomotive orders placed with the new GMD London plant was by the CPR: ten Cab Units: FP7A\'s (serial numbers A100 to A109) and four Switchers: SW8 (serials A110 to A113), the former delivered September and October 1950 as road numbers 4028 to 4037 and the latter 6700 to 6703 delivered November 1950.  [(Note TH&B 71 serial number A117 was part of the fourth GMD order but the first delivery from GMD in August 1950). Source: Locomotives from London by Peter Cox]. Records indicate some of these F\'s either lacked a steam generator or had same removed, in any event the CPR  assigned the ten units to Calgary as class DFA-15c hence primarily Freight. No doubt the DFA-15c\'s initiated the displacement of the T1 Selkirks ( 2-10-4 ) from the Laggan, Mountain and Shuswap Subdivisions. So here, some twenty seven years after delivery a spiffy looking and Freight only 4035 awaits next assignment at CP Agincourt, amid a flood of Multimark painted CP Rail power and under the gaze of the CPR script painted water tower. Behind 4035 is MLW M-636 # 4701. And at the far right is an 8100 series SW1200RS. F for Freight forever. ASA100 Kodak colour negative. Photographer S. Danko.
Copyright Notice: This image ©sdfourty all rights reserved.

Caption: F for Freight. The first two locomotive orders placed with the new GMD London plant was by the CPR: ten Cab Units: FP7A\'s (serial numbers A100 to A109) and four Switchers: SW8 (serials A110 to A113), the former delivered September and October 1950 as road numbers 4028 to 4037 and the latter 6700 to 6703 delivered November 1950. [(Note TH&B 71 serial number A117 was part of the fourth GMD order but the first delivery from GMD in August 1950). Source: Locomotives from London by Peter Cox]. Records indicate some of these F\'s either lacked a steam generator or had same removed, in any event the CPR assigned the ten units to Calgary as class DFA-15c hence primarily Freight. No doubt the DFA-15c\'s initiated the displacement of the T1 Selkirks ( 2-10-4 ) from the Laggan, Mountain and Shuswap Subdivisions. So here, some twenty seven years after delivery a spiffy looking and Freight only 4035 awaits next assignment at CP Agincourt, amid a flood of Multimark painted CP Rail power and under the gaze of the CPR script painted water tower. Behind 4035 is MLW M-636 # 4701. And at the far right is an 8100 series SW1200RS. F for Freight forever. ASA100 Kodak colour negative. Photographer S. Danko.

sdfourty [722] (more) (contact)
Date: 06/01/1977 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: Not Provided
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Not Provided
City/Town: Agincourt (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=2443
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One Comment
  1. nice work

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