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A day of railfanning with fellow RP contributor Daniel Odette led to this discovery. While looking for the remains of the old CN Cayuga Sub, we found a long string of abandon hoppers, taken over by nature. While it seemed like they went on forever, there was 42 hoppers in total here. The Cayuga line was abandon in 1996 I believe. However, Trillium uses part of the line as storage. About a mile up the line, a ton of tank cars and of all things, Algoma Central passenger cars sit, not been moved in a long time. However, due to the condition of both the hoppers and the rails, I don't think these ones have been moved in a long time, nor will they be moved in a very long time either. For fun, I'm going to leave GPS coordinates off, so if anyone wants to find them, it'll be an adventure to locate them ;)
Copyright Notice: This image ©Doctapinklaces all rights reserved.

Caption: A day of railfanning with fellow RP contributor Daniel Odette led to this discovery. While looking for the remains of the old CN Cayuga Sub, we found a long string of abandon hoppers, taken over by nature. While it seemed like they went on forever, there was 42 hoppers in total here. The Cayuga line was abandon in 1996 I believe. However, Trillium uses part of the line as storage. About a mile up the line, a ton of tank cars and of all things, Algoma Central passenger cars sit, not been moved in a long time. However, due to the condition of both the hoppers and the rails, I don't think these ones have been moved in a long time, nor will they be moved in a very long time either. For fun, I'm going to leave GPS coordinates off, so if anyone wants to find them, it'll be an adventure to locate them ;)

Doctapinklaces [73] (more) (contact)
Date: 7/16/2016 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: Not Provided
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: CN Cayuga Subdivision (search)
City/Town: Wainfleet (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=25426
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Photo ID: 24277

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  1. Thanks Mr Host. I took photos from both ends but I chose this one because it shows more overgrowth to show how long they’ve actually been there.

  2. I’ll need to make a trip back there, with bug repellent in hand. The side the sun is on isn’t a problem in my opinion considering it kind of sets the ‘abandoned’ scene. However, it would be probably be better during late sunset. If anyone has a fog machine, let me know. :)

  3. Long pants would be a good idea too. My legs are still cut from the bushes.

  4. Great shot Docta. Good to see you got out and exploring some recently.

  5. Thanks Paul. I’ve really been limited to when I can get out and railfan recently so making the best of it when I can get out is always good

  6. I hear you, I haven’t had any time since I last saw you to railfan or work on my model railway. Just one of those summers but now I have somewhere to try to explore come fall and no bug repellent needed lol.

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