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Well, this is sort of a "caption this". It was a bad day for trains. Due to a mix up in a meeting point the north bound James Switcher and a south bound Work Train collided. Luck was with the crews as the accident happened more or less on a 20 mph permanent slow order, further north of that point the speed limit was 40 mph and the accident would have been much worse. Fortunately injuries suffered by the crew members were non life threatening and after recovering from injuries, as well as some discipline time off for one crew, everyone eventually returned to work. 
The 606 was one of the trailing units in the consist and took the brunt of impact between the larger 6 axle road units. 606 was repaired and returned to service although it did not have dynamic brake after re-building. Locomotives 755 & 760 were beyond reasonable repair, retired from service and used for parts.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Doug Lawson all rights reserved.

Caption: Well, this is sort of a "caption this". It was a bad day for trains. Due to a mix up in a meeting point the north bound James Switcher and a south bound Work Train collided. Luck was with the crews as the accident happened more or less on a 20 mph permanent slow order, further north of that point the speed limit was 40 mph and the accident would have been much worse. Fortunately injuries suffered by the crew members were non life threatening and after recovering from injuries, as well as some discipline time off for one crew, everyone eventually returned to work. The 606 was one of the trailing units in the consist and took the brunt of impact between the larger 6 axle road units. 606 was repaired and returned to service although it did not have dynamic brake after re-building. Locomotives 755 & 760 were beyond reasonable repair, retired from service and used for parts.

Doug Lawson [250] (more) (contact)
Date: 06/18/1984 (search)
Railway: BC Rail (search)
Reporting Marks: BCOL 606 (search)
Train Symbol: collision (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Chetwynd sub, mile 474.4 (search)
City/Town: near Prince George (search)
Province: British Columbia (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=29968
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