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For a while, I shunned taking pictures of these GMD1's but soon realized that one day, they would not be around any more.  Surprisingly, sixty years after being built in 1958/1959, there are still a couple of them in yard service having been renumbered into the 1400's.  Here we see steam generator equipped CN 1908 and 1904 leading the Niagara Falls train at Bayview Jct.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Dave Burroughs all rights reserved.

Caption: For a while, I shunned taking pictures of these GMD1's but soon realized that one day, they would not be around any more. Surprisingly, sixty years after being built in 1958/1959, there are still a couple of them in yard service having been renumbered into the 1400's. Here we see steam generator equipped CN 1908 and 1904 leading the Niagara Falls train at Bayview Jct.

Dave Burroughs [128] (more) (contact)
Date: 01/1968 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 1908 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Bayview Jct / Oakville Sub (search)
City/Town: Hamilton (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=35067
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Photo ID: 33877

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  1. Amazing that we also shun things…. today.

    Amazing a gmd1 was worth shunning! Curious your reasoning at the time.

  2. Steve, I think it was because we saw GMD1′s on the Niagara Falls train every day as well as three of them on the Dundas Sub quite often in passenger service. Keep in mind too that every time you pressed the shutter release, there was a cost involved for each slide so you tended to be selective in what you shot.

  3. That makes sense. It’s like today’s GE Genesis locomotives or a GO Train :)

  4. First shot I have seen of a CN unit with snow shields on the handrails like CP’s SW1200RS’s. Snow flying up into the radiator area must have been a problem.

  5. At this time there were 3 trains each way Toronto/Niagara Falls (!) so things got fairly routine [borrring] .
    Same with the GR12′s on trains 461/462, 795/794

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