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Four axle GMD locomotives CN 9448 (GP40-2LW), CN 5576 (GP38-2W), and CN 9540 lead an Extra east through CN Hamilton West at fractional mileage on the Dundas sub, near the bottom of the grade from Copetown. 
The gap in the trees where the photographer stood has grown in, but good views remain steps ahead. In 2019 the far part of the CP "S" curve and bridge over CN are obscured, jointed rails are not stockpiled for this main line, and westbound Dundas sub signals are down at Bayview.
CN 5576 was renumbered to CN 4776 in 1988; it was seen switching railcars in Aldershot Yard on several dates in 2017 in the current www.cn.ca paint scheme.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Reg Button photo, J.Pittman collection all rights reserved.

Caption: Four axle GMD locomotives CN 9448 (GP40-2LW), CN 5576 (GP38-2W), and CN 9540 lead an Extra east through CN Hamilton West at fractional mileage on the Dundas sub, near the bottom of the grade from Copetown.

The gap in the trees where the photographer stood has grown in, but good views remain steps ahead. In 2019 the far part of the CP "S" curve and bridge over CN are obscured, jointed rails are not stockpiled for this main line, and westbound Dundas sub signals are down at Bayview.

CN 5576 was renumbered to CN 4776 in 1988; it was seen switching railcars in Aldershot Yard on several dates in 2017 in the current www.cn.ca paint scheme.

Reg Button photo, J.Pittman collection [288] (more) (contact)
Date: 1980-01-10 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 9448, CN 5576, CN 9540 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: CN Hamilton West (search)
City/Town: Hamilton (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=38313
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Photo ID: 37120

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  1. Fabulous John! To me, posting such material is an ongoing tribute to our fallen friends. As information, CN 4776 is currently stationed at Stuart Street in Hamilton. As a warning, apparently the overgrown shrubbery, weeds and grasses around Bayview is home to ticks.

  2. Please alert the RBG – maybe if the ticks invade RBG territory (it’s only a matter of time) then maybe they’ll do something about it.

  3. Ticks are definitely active in this area in warm weather. So far only dog ticks encountered, not the smaller higher-risk deer tick (aka black leg tick).

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