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North bound on the Rocky Mountaineer "Fraser Discovery" and my view of Lone Butte BC, mile 246.2 on the BC Rail Lillooet subdivision. The old water tower is still there and the local villagers have created a small park with some railway artifacts, picnic tables, tourist info booth and a nice grassy area for people to enjoy. I'm not sure when the water tank was built, the railway first went through here in the early 1900's so I imagine there has been some sort of water tank located here since then.It was a long climb south and I can well imagine steam locomotives needing the water tender filled when they reached here. Lone Butte was an "additional flag stop" for the passenger train when it ran. A few miles prior to this image we had passed the highest elevation on the BC Rail system at mile 243.3 with an elevation of 3865 feet above sea level.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Doug Lawson all rights reserved.

Caption: North bound on the Rocky Mountaineer "Fraser Discovery" and my view of Lone Butte BC, mile 246.2 on the BC Rail Lillooet subdivision. The old water tower is still there and the local villagers have created a small park with some railway artifacts, picnic tables, tourist info booth and a nice grassy area for people to enjoy. I'm not sure when the water tank was built, the railway first went through here in the early 1900's so I imagine there has been some sort of water tank located here since then.It was a long climb south and I can well imagine steam locomotives needing the water tender filled when they reached here. Lone Butte was an "additional flag stop" for the passenger train when it ran. A few miles prior to this image we had passed the highest elevation on the BC Rail system at mile 243.3 with an elevation of 3865 feet above sea level.

Doug Lawson [250] (more) (contact)
Date: 09/19/2006 (search)
Railway: BC Rail (search)
Reporting Marks: RMR 8011 (search)
Train Symbol: RMR "Fraser Discovery" (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Lilloooet sub (search)
City/Town: Lone Butte (search)
Province: British Columbia (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=38826
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