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While an IM passes in the background, the 7524, 4767 and 9513, with tailend man perched and watching, shove a bunch of gondolas down to AltaSteel. Many of the yard movements I have watched, still require a person at each end. In addition, 3 on a crew is not unusual either on those instances (2 were at the front here).
Copyright Notice: This image ©L. Parks all rights reserved.

Caption: While an IM passes in the background, the 7524, 4767 and 9513, with tailend man perched and watching, shove a bunch of gondolas down to AltaSteel. Many of the yard movements I have watched, still require a person at each end. In addition, 3 on a crew is not unusual either on those instances (2 were at the front here).

L. Parks [315] (more) (contact)
Date: 08/04/2019 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 7524 (search)
Train Symbol: Yard Job (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Clover Bar (search)
City/Town: Edmonton (search)
Province: Alberta (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=38860
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Photo ID: 37667

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  1. interesting class lights over the front windows. looks like the ones from the old SD-40s

  2. It is a puzzler. Appears to be the only one like this also. I checked many photos and none of the other 7500′s or CN GP38′s seem to have these class lights. You are right, checking the SD40′s, they appear to be exactly the same. I will check a little more, if anything turns up I will comment again. Might be something in my Extra 2200 South’s with the CN roster, big maybe here.

  3. Class light update.
    I found a photo of the 7524 from 1992 with the original 3 colour class lights. It also had an unusual antenna on the nose. The next best photo of 7524 I could turn up was from 2005. In this photo, the class lights have now been changed as well as the antenna system (big cables around the number boards). Changing the antennas must have brought about a change in the class lights and the 7524 enjoys working now as an interesting singularity.
    Did they keep them on there in case the hump units were needed in a pinch on the road? Can’t see any need for these lights on the hump. It can’t be much longer after 1992 that they quit putting them on the new units all together.

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