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CP 5406 is a former QNSL SD40 with extra-large fuel tank and external brake-air pipes around its radiator fans.
It leads a work train consisting of Rail Changeout Unit CP 5001-01 and an Angus caboose.
The train is facing north on the CP Hamilton Sub approaching Desjardins Canal, which connects Burlington Bay with Cootes Paradise, the body of water in the picture. 
Buildings in the right background are in Dundas ON. Not much traffic on Highway 403.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Reg Button photo, J.Pittman collection all rights reserved.

Caption: CP 5406 is a former QNSL SD40 with extra-large fuel tank and external brake-air pipes around its radiator fans.
It leads a work train consisting of Rail Changeout Unit CP 5001-01 and an Angus caboose.

The train is facing north on the CP Hamilton Sub approaching Desjardins Canal, which connects Burlington Bay with Cootes Paradise, the body of water in the picture.
Buildings in the right background are in Dundas ON. Not much traffic on Highway 403.

Reg Button photo, J.Pittman collection [288] (more) (contact)
Date: 1989-04-07 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CP 5406 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Desjardins Canal (search)
City/Town: Hamilton (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=39085
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Photo ID: 37891

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  1. RCO (Rail Changeout Machine) CP 5001-01 was the third of three Canron Tamper machines built for Canadian railroads back in the early 1980′s. The first two were CN 50551 and CN 50552 known at CN as RCO 1 (eastern Canada) and RCO 2 (western Canada). All three machines were built at the Canron Tamper facility in Cayce, (West Columbia) South Carolina. The CN machines prime mover sections continue to work to this day as Work Equipment power cars.

  2. The unit was stored at Chatham St roundhouse during the winter months. The CP installed a big overhead door at old machine shop with tracks leading up to it

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