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I have called this train 836. But, starting in 1986 (or 85), the Coronado Sub. became MBS territory and 584 and 836 were no longer listed in the employee time table. I have no knowledge what this movement may have been called with the change to MBS, so, I'm going with 836 or the Jet Fuel train. Here it is at the Kerensky siding, they are just about ready to stop to get the connecting track switch and then proceed onward to the Cold Lake airforce base. It is a solid string of tanks today with Cab 79822 bringing up the rear. Another lineup of elephant style units, which, the exNAR power easily created with CN's long hood forward GP9's (the 4236 is the trailing unit). An early frosting of the trees makes the season appear much later than Nov.10th. Time of this photo is 11:30.
Copyright Notice: This image ©L. Parks all rights reserved.

Caption: I have called this train 836. But, starting in 1986 (or 85), the Coronado Sub. became MBS territory and 584 and 836 were no longer listed in the employee time table. I have no knowledge what this movement may have been called with the change to MBS, so, I'm going with 836 or the Jet Fuel train. Here it is at the Kerensky siding, they are just about ready to stop to get the connecting track switch and then proceed onward to the Cold Lake airforce base. It is a solid string of tanks today with Cab 79822 bringing up the rear. Another lineup of elephant style units, which, the exNAR power easily created with CN's long hood forward GP9's (the 4236 is the trailing unit). An early frosting of the trees makes the season appear much later than Nov.10th. Time of this photo is 11:30.

L. Parks [313] (more) (contact)
Date: 11/10/1988 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 4607 (search)
Train Symbol: 836 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Coronado Sub. (search)
City/Town: Kerensky (search)
Province: Alberta (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=40159
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Photo ID: 38955

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One Comment
  1. I have been looking at this photo for some number of years. Only just noticed that most of the door latches on the long hood of the 4607 are a different colour. Even the ones in the gray are off orange (but not rusty). Whereas they all match on the 4609. All you guys with a 4607 on your layout will have some detail work to do now. :-)

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