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CP 7014 in Script Heritage paint passes the Main St. interlocking at MP 58.9 of the Hamilton Sub.  No sun at this location but was for the best as the trees cast shadows on the train as the sun appeared a couple of minutes after the picture was taken.  Picture taken from the Dundurn St. bridge.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Dave Burroughs all rights reserved.

Caption: CP 7014 in Script Heritage paint passes the Main St. interlocking at MP 58.9 of the Hamilton Sub. No sun at this location but was for the best as the trees cast shadows on the train as the sun appeared a couple of minutes after the picture was taken. Picture taken from the Dundurn St. bridge.

Dave Burroughs [128] (more) (contact)
Date: 02/16/2020 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CP 7014 (search)
Train Symbol: CP 246 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: MP 58.9 Hamilton Sub (search)
City/Town: Hamilton (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=40371
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Photo ID: 39166

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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  1. Very nice picture Dave.There is no doubt the revived Heritage maroon and grey paint with Canadian Pacific in script greatly compliments the scene. To me, the lighting is just right. Curious that the train is on “west bound” track.Thanks for sharing

  2. CP call this direction southbound heading from Guelph Jct to Buffalo. It is quite common for CP to run trains on that track even though you would think they would operate right hand running…but not necessarily so. In fact, as I type, there is a GO train lined up through Desjardins into Hunter St station using the same track.

    Yes, I do like the heritage paint scheme although the maroon looks a little dark to me but when again, have not seen the real thing in that paint scheme for a very long time.

  3. Dave, any chance of a Time Machine effort? :) your maroon and grey shots from the late 60′s near here scream for one if possible :)

  4. Steve, I don’t think I have any pics from this location back in the slide photography days. I think my first picture from the Dundurn St bridge was within the last few years. If I find one, I will be sure to submit for the Time Machine.

  5. No problem :) thanks Dave.

  6. It’s CTC, guys! Trains can more in either direction on both tracks here. (There is no “eastbound” or “westbound” track–especially since the directions on the Ham sub are North-South. The train in the picture would be southbound on the “east track”.)

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