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I took advantage of no auto traffic, great sun and close approach to catch a roster shot of the 1438. It was nice finding it out at the CN-CP exchange yard, located by Suncor. The last several times, I have only seen it working the yard at Clover Bar. I have my fingers crossed that at some point it will be freed of the middle unit position.
Copyright Notice: This image ©L. Priest all rights reserved.

Caption: I took advantage of no auto traffic, great sun and close approach to catch a roster shot of the 1438. It was nice finding it out at the CN-CP exchange yard, located by Suncor. The last several times, I have only seen it working the yard at Clover Bar. I have my fingers crossed that at some point it will be freed of the middle unit position.

L. Priest [315] (more) (contact)
Date: 05/08/2020 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 1438 (search)
Train Symbol: Yard job (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Camrose Sub. (search)
City/Town: Edmonton (search)
Province: Alberta (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=41337
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Photo ID: 40130

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  1. Well done sir! These are now my second favorite on CN’s roster, only behind those legendary F- units I used to see in the mid-late 80′s all the time.

  2. Thanks Todd. I hope the modelers get a bang out of this photo. As can been seen, the unit lettering is done haphazardly (even worse under the conductors window) and the overspray on the handholds. You don’t have the be perfect when readying one of these for your layout. :-)

  3. I noticed some pretty bad overspray on a lot of units lately – 1408 included.

  4. Not that we are not aware of this, I think it’s a sign of what’s coming (for GMD-1′s). I suspect we will see a thinning out of units treated like this. Why give something the full meal deal fixup when they don’t expect them to be on the roster much longer. On the other hand, if they move on to a second owner, chances are they will receive some TLC and enjoy an extended life, wherever that may be. :-)

  5. 7025 has a pretty bad case of overspray too; just looking at some recent shots I have taken.

  6. I was also noticing the overspray, the adjacent unit (752*) has some overspray in the form of “REX” on the fan shroud haha.

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