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I figured I’d run into you up there for this. Nice.
It’s a wonder why CN took over the Guelph sub operations, and Hamilton.. You’d think they would be more interested in their bigger trains.
Btw, a drone shot Stephen? Very nice.
Absolutely not. You’ll never see me post a drone photo. Piss poor image quality and overdone. This is a 36 megapixel full res image unlike a drone’s crappy sensors and glass.
Taken from the Market parking garage (new, 2020)
I gotta hand it to you, that is one hell of a shot, colours, composition, subject, you nailed it !
Gotcha Stephen. Didn’t think so. I don’t know the lay of the land being a parking garage there.
Well done again!
The rain has put a little radiance into the 4725. Some things do look better wet.
What are the chances of having a taxi, almost the same colour as the leaves, pass through the scene? Nice shooting Steve.
Beautiful vibrant fall colours, even the “red” on CN 4725 & 4101 plus the taxi cab roof fit in very nicely ! Well done Stephen. Will have to label you and Jacob “grg’s” (garage roof guys). Thanks to you and Jacob, we have both freight and GO train pictures at the same spot, now just need a VIA picture at this location. Another aspect, the picture is perhaps historical as GO’s second track will be installed maybe in 2021. Question, when L540 gets to Canwell, does the crew do a “flying switch” ? Thanks for posting, John
Thanks gang. Thank god for wide angle lenses, when i saw the taxi I aimed down a bit to include it at the last minute.. i wanted him a bit more forward but he was going REALLY slow waiting for Waterloo ave to turn red.
That photo is almost as wide as my camera would go, 22mm (of 18) and any wider and you’d start to see my feet LOL