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An evening shot of WP&Y 90 & 100 resting outside the locomotive shed at Whitehorse YT. If I remember correctly I had just arrived at Whitehorse for a work related two week stay. I enjoyed the people, the scenery, and the history. You can read about the gold rush era and learn a lot, but to actually stand there and see the remains of what the gold rush era did for the Yukon is amazing. Looking it from a railway point of view I thought of the original need for the WP&Y and for its service during WW2 so I made it my goal to get as many pictures as I could. At the time I did not realize that I was seeing the WP&Y in it's last days before it shut down just a few month's latter. As a side note the area around the locomotive shed has it's own micro history.
Copyright Notice: This image ©J W Booth all rights reserved.

Caption: An evening shot of WP&Y 90 & 100 resting outside the locomotive shed at Whitehorse YT. If I remember correctly I had just arrived at Whitehorse for a work related two week stay. I enjoyed the people, the scenery, and the history. You can read about the gold rush era and learn a lot, but to actually stand there and see the remains of what the gold rush era did for the Yukon is amazing. Looking it from a railway point of view I thought of the original need for the WP&Y and for its service during WW2 so I made it my goal to get as many pictures as I could. At the time I did not realize that I was seeing the WP&Y in it's last days before it shut down just a few month's latter. As a side note the area around the locomotive shed has it's own micro history.

J W Booth [115] (more) (contact)
Date: 08-04-1982 (search)
Railway: White Pass and Yukon (search)
Reporting Marks: WP&Y 90 & 100 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Whitehorse (search)
City/Town: Whitehorse (search)
Province: Yukon (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=45712
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