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The L&PS RY was long gone when I took this picture of the old L&PS freight shed in London Ont.. I guess I took it to keep my child hood memory banks alive. With great enjoyment I Watched the Electric motors & Electric passenger cars moving freight around the area. I did this as a kid in the late 1940's & early 1950's and it was always a pleasurable occurrence. On the north side of the building there was a line that connected the L&PS and the CNR lines. I was standing on the east side of Colborne St. when I took the picture. If I had taken a similar picture in the early 1950's I could have turned 180 degrees and photographed the old L&PS roundhouse. I often wonder what life in London would be like today if the population had the chance to hop on an electric car and ride down to the beach in Port Stanley? As a side note at one time London had 5 roundhouse's & 2 car barns, & a street car barn.
Copyright Notice: This image ©J W Booth all rights reserved.

Caption: The L&PS RY was long gone when I took this picture of the old L&PS freight shed in London Ont.. I guess I took it to keep my child hood memory banks alive. With great enjoyment I Watched the Electric motors & Electric passenger cars moving freight around the area. I did this as a kid in the late 1940's & early 1950's and it was always a pleasurable occurrence. On the north side of the building there was a line that connected the L&PS and the CNR lines. I was standing on the east side of Colborne St. when I took the picture. If I had taken a similar picture in the early 1950's I could have turned 180 degrees and photographed the old L&PS roundhouse. I often wonder what life in London would be like today if the population had the chance to hop on an electric car and ride down to the beach in Port Stanley? As a side note at one time London had 5 roundhouse's & 2 car barns, & a street car barn.

J W Booth [115] (more) (contact)
Date: 10/00/1982 (search)
Railway: London and Port Stanley (search)
Reporting Marks: Not Provided
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: London (search)
City/Town: London (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=45923
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  1. Nice. I know of CN, CP, L&PS, MCR, what’s the fifth roundhouse?

  2. Jacob The fifth roundhouse was also a CPR roundhouse. It was located just south of what was the “London Hosiery Mills Limited” plant. The two were separated by the CPR main line through London. Also the “Great Western” had a brick engine house at the corner of Waterloo & Bathurst streets but that was long before my time.

  3. The Great Westeren roundhouse was a steak house for many years but is closed, Great food.The building is on Horton St.

  4. Bruce The “Great West Beef CO.” was a steak house that operated out of old Michigan Central roundhouse on the north east corner of Waterloo & Horton Streets. (Ate there once and enjoyed it.) The “Great Western engine house was located one block north of the Michigan Central roundhouse on the south east corner of Waterloo & Bathurst streets.

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