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Passing the Ontario Northland bunkhouse, freight 313 arrives from Cochrane while off to the side CN 5446 and CN 2508 sit parked awaiting to come on duty later that afternoon. The power from the incoming freight will cut off here and nose onto their waiting train just behind the camera, departing just as quickly as they arrived. One track over sits the ONR yard engine, which will couple onto this inbound traffic and sort out the locals before setting up any outbound traffic for the CN to take south to their main at Oba. With the sale of the former Algoma Central south of Oba and subsequent closure of Hawk Junction, a job has been established in Hearst and as of summer of 2022 runs Monday thru Friday.
Copyright Notice: This image ©David Young all rights reserved.

Caption: Passing the Ontario Northland bunkhouse, freight 313 arrives from Cochrane while off to the side CN 5446 and CN 2508 sit parked awaiting to come on duty later that afternoon. The power from the incoming freight will cut off here and nose onto their waiting train just behind the camera, departing just as quickly as they arrived. One track over sits the ONR yard engine, which will couple onto this inbound traffic and sort out the locals before setting up any outbound traffic for the CN to take south to their main at Oba. With the sale of the former Algoma Central south of Oba and subsequent closure of Hawk Junction, a job has been established in Hearst and as of summer of 2022 runs Monday thru Friday.

David Young [280] (more) (contact)
Date: 08/19/2022 (search)
Railway: Ontario Northland (search)
Reporting Marks: ONT 1733 (search)
Train Symbol: ONT 313-19 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Hearst, ONT Kapuskasing Sub (search)
City/Town: Hearst (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=49837
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Photo ID: 48552

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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One Comment
  1. Nice capture. No shortage of big power in town.

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