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The 07:00 job with a triple set of GP9RM's shove a single gondola down the Ippilito lead for G&W's shop to trade for a single tank car. I am not sure just how often jobs go down this lead as this is my first time catching any movement on it, however with the quantity of cars on this lead, quite a few. Does anyone here know where the name Ippilito originates from?
Copyright Notice: This image ©Carson McGinness all rights reserved.

Caption: The 07:00 job with a triple set of GP9RM's shove a single gondola down the Ippilito lead for G&W's shop to trade for a single tank car. I am not sure just how often jobs go down this lead as this is my first time catching any movement on it, however with the quantity of cars on this lead, quite a few. Does anyone here know where the name Ippilito originates from?

Carson McGinness [153] (more) (contact)
Date: 10/04/2022 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 7241 (search)
Train Symbol: 0700 Job (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Ippilito Lead (search)
City/Town: Hamilton (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=50109
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  1. It’s a fairly common move – CN comes here about two-three times a week and CP about twice a week.

    The gon was likely for loading of scrap from Sunrise Metals. But without seeing the gon I can’t say for sure. Sunrise loads scrap in the Railcare Yard over behind City Kids and gets cars from CP and CN. Premier Corrosion is back in there too – they do work on tank cars. And finally, Bell & MacKenzie is over there as well (sandblasting) and get loads exclusively from CP for the past couple years. The trackage along Wilcox are the inbound and outbound tracks for Railcare.

    I forget why this is in my head but I feel that at some point I came to the realization that this lead has been mislabeled as Ippolito.

  2. The tank you saw was certainly coming from Premier.

    Of note, Premier used to take up shop in the old Martech building at 615 Rusholme Road. When Martech moved to Port Rob, Premier left. (here is the last move of the tanks at the Martech site before they vacated the property http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=43709)

  3. Sorry one more thing to add. CP crews refer to this as “going left” – wherein they throw the switch at Gage to continue west on the Belt as opposed to the usual looping path following the Beach Branch.

  4. Ok sorry this is it haha – indeed, the Ippolito Lead is the lead that goes into P&H. No idea how or why CN has the Ippolito label there at Wilcox. Its origins are in Ippolito Fruit, which used to be on Wellington. They’re in Burlington now.

    Credit to Lance.

  5. Thank you for all the great info and background knowledge Jamie!

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