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Invited to the Halton County Radial Railway Museum near Rockwood by John Freyseng who has been a member since 1954, Jacob Patterson and I spent the afternoon with the fine volunteers of the HCRR with John as our amazing guide before breaking for supper. After supper Jacob and I went back with our tickets in hand to try some night photography as the volunteers told us they're running until 8 PM, and why the heck not as we had a ticket still in hand. Car 2984 built in 1923 ran it's last mile for a while today as it is now parked for a refurbishment project to repair it and will be out of service for a few years. Chuck Lawrence who was volunteering all day for the hundreds of passengers who rode helped three of us photographers get this shot as they normally don't let anyone out at the "north pole". The museum is open tomorrow (Sunday December 11) for the final day of trains until next Spring - if you're around give 'em a visit as they love to have people ride. A few trains per hour depart for round trips and you get to ride a crud ton of variety of cars including their TTC Snowplow which is out right now only during Christmas. Truly a time warp and worth visiting - the last time I was riding here was in the 80's with my Grandfather!
BTW We have very very very few photos of the old "Toronto Transportation Commission" on the site, but we do, by the late Julian Bernard who posted a few. Check out his profile for his stuff actually in revenue service in the 40's and 50's, although none of his pictures seem to be a Peter Witt or this type of car.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Stephen C. Host all rights reserved.

Caption: Santa is seen riding his 1923 sleigh at the Halton County Radial Railway. Invited to the Halton County Radial Railway Museum near Rockwood by John Freyseng who has been a member since 1954, Jacob Patterson and I spent the afternoon with the fine volunteers of the HCRR with John as our amazing guide before breaking for supper. After supper Jacob and I went back with our tickets in hand to try some night photography as the volunteers told us they're running until 8 PM, and why the heck not as we had a ticket still in hand. Car 2984 built in 1923 ran it's last mile for a while today as it is now parked for a refurbishment project to repair it and will be out of service for a few years. Chuck Lawrence who was volunteering all day for the hundreds of passengers who rode helped three of us photographers get this shot as they normally don't let anyone out at the "north pole".

The museum is open tomorrow (Sunday December 11) for the final day of trains until next Spring - if you're around give 'em a visit as they love to have people ride. A few trains per hour depart for round trips and you get to ride a crud ton of variety of cars including their TTC Snowplow which is out right now only during Christmas. Truly a time warp and worth visiting - the last time I was riding here was in the 80's with my Grandfather!

BTW We have very very very few photos of the old "Toronto Transportation Commission" on the site, but we do, by the late Julian Bernard who posted a few. Check out his profile for his stuff actually in revenue service in the 40's and 50's, although none of his pictures seem to be a Peter Witt or this type of car.

Stephen C. Host [1516] (more) (contact)
Date: 12/10/2022 (search)
Railway: Toronto Transportation Commission 1921-1954 (search)
Reporting Marks: TTC 2894 (search)
Train Symbol: Last run (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Meadowvale (search)
City/Town: Rockwood (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=50553
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  1. When I lived in Guelph we used to ride the Santa special every year. On one accasion Santa was waiking up and down the aisle handing out candy canes to the kids. Just as he got to my Family his pants droped to his ankles with great cheers from the riders. Since I was closest I helped Stanta retrieve his pants and the merriment continued with Christmas Carols. Great Fun!

  2. You can see the Christmas magic going on right through the front door. :-)

  3. Steve taking a picture of a streetcar.Shame on you. Bruce

  4. Ahahs Bruce does l&ps #8 count as a stteetcar? (Hmmmm?)

  5. #8 I quess is a very large streetcar. Bruce

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