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This is one of those few spots along the Dundas subdivision that I somehow never took advantage of years ago. This shot is somewhat similar to what you used to be able to do at the highway bridge at Creditville before it all grew in.  Up until a few years ago there was an old steel road bridge here, it was later removed and rebuilt with a new steel structure, for whatever read the bridge sat unopened for quite sometime until it was finally opened in late 2022. The location here is known as Etonia and is just west of Paris. One of the more exciting CN trains out in the road these days is CN train 397 and this day was no different with a NS unit trailing and a SD75 up front. I think I get more excited these days when a SD75 shows up in the lead then when I first saw them brand new, although anything not GE in the lead is worth getting excited about, LOL.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Marcus W Stevens all rights reserved.

Caption: This is one of those few spots along the Dundas subdivision that I somehow never took advantage of years ago. This shot is somewhat similar to what you used to be able to do at the highway bridge at Creditville before it all grew in. Up until a few years ago there was an old steel road bridge here, it was later removed and rebuilt with a new steel structure, for whatever read the bridge sat unopened for quite sometime until it was finally opened in late 2022. The location here is known as Etonia and is just west of Paris. One of the more exciting CN trains out in the road these days is CN train 397 and this day was no different with a NS unit trailing and a SD75 up front. I think I get more excited these days when a SD75 shows up in the lead then when I first saw them brand new, although anything not GE in the lead is worth getting excited about, LOL.

Marcus W Stevens [1074] (more) (contact)
Date: 06/12/2023 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 5784 (search)
Train Symbol: 397 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Dundas subdivision (search)
City/Town: Etonia (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=52260
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Photo ID: 50962

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One Comment
  1. Very nice. I love the vertical radiator grids on the SD70′s & 75′s just like SD40-2′s.

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