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I have to admit I don’t spend much time in Orangeville anymore. This image will quickly tell you why. This day we had a funeral viewing in town so a visit to the remains of the OBRY seemed fitting somehow afterwards. I will not get into any politics here, it has been more the covered over the past few years. I was surprised to see the all so important trail replacing the rail line is still far from finished at this point. Nevertheless here is one of the numerous images I took that day and is a sad reminder of what once was and will never be again. The old ballast car is all that remains of a line that was once so important to the Canadian Pacific. The old station grounds here were once an important terminal for serving the branch lines that served the Bruce. Today only piles of rotting ties remain, the yard removed with the exception of the station track, that still for the most part is intact to Streetsville. Who knows at this point what the future holds for the line but it is unlikely to be anything positive.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Marcus W Stevens all rights reserved.

Caption: I have to admit I don’t spend much time in Orangeville anymore. This image will quickly tell you why. This day we had a funeral viewing in town so a visit to the remains of the OBRY seemed fitting somehow afterwards. I will not get into any politics here, it has been more the covered over the past few years. I was surprised to see the all so important trail replacing the rail line is still far from finished at this point. Nevertheless here is one of the numerous images I took that day and is a sad reminder of what once was and will never be again. The old ballast car is all that remains of a line that was once so important to the Canadian Pacific. The old station grounds here were once an important terminal for serving the branch lines that served the Bruce. Today only piles of rotting ties remain, the yard removed with the exception of the station track, that still for the most part is intact to Streetsville. Who knows at this point what the future holds for the line but it is unlikely to be anything positive.

Marcus W Stevens [1074] (more) (contact)
Date: 07/29/2023 (search)
Railway: Orangeville-Brampton Railway (search)
Reporting Marks: Not Provided
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Owen Sound subdivision (search)
City/Town: Orangeville (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=52558
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Photo ID: 51253

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  1. A fitting photo in memory of what once was. Just curious about the date, Marcus. I was up there earlier this month and there weren’t any ties littered about the yard. Have they started ripping up the north end spur trackage?

  2. These photos were from this past Saturday, unfortunately I did not make it to the north end, but maybe that is where they are from. Even a section north of the yard still has ties in the ground.

  3. We deserve what we tolerate.

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