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Canadian Pacific RS10 units 8576 and 8476 motor through Toronto's Parkdale neighbourhood on the Galt Sub, handling northbound train #11 "The Canadian" just out of Union Station downtown. The train has just passed Brock Avenue underpass and is closing in on West Toronto Station, where it'll make its final stop in the city before taking the connecting track across the West Toronto diamonds to the MacTier Sub on their trip north to Sudbury. On the left are houses off Delaney Crescent, on the right some newer apartment buildings off West Lodge Avenue. The switch in the foreground is for a service track that came off here and ran north along the west end of the corridor to West Toronto.

Today's passenger train consists of one of CP's 2200-series lightweight steel "curve-side" coaches up front (likely deadheading), two similar curve-side baggage cars (one still painted fully maroon), a Budd stainless steel baggage-dorm, and possibly another 2200-series coach in maroon (hard to tell, could just be in shadow) and the rest of the train of stainless steel Budds.

CP's fleet of freight/passenger RS10's equipped with steam generators were common on the Sudbury-Toronto runs, mixed in with 4000-series FP7 and FPA2 units. When CP was phasing out it's 244-powered Alco/MLW fleet in the mid-70's to early 80's, some RS10's hung on as passenger protection power for VIA's Canadian. The final two were used in commuter service out of Montreal in 1983.

Original photographer unknown, Dan Dell'Unto collection slide (duplicate).
Copyright Notice: This image ©unknown, Dan Dell'Unto coll. all rights reserved.

Caption: Canadian Pacific RS10 units 8576 and 8476 motor through Toronto's Parkdale neighbourhood on the Galt Sub, handling northbound train #11 "The Canadian" just out of Union Station downtown. The train has just passed Brock Avenue underpass and is closing in on West Toronto Station, where it'll make its final stop in the city before taking the connecting track across the West Toronto diamonds to the MacTier Sub on their trip north to Sudbury. On the left are houses off Delaney Crescent, on the right some newer apartment buildings off West Lodge Avenue. The switch in the foreground is for a service track that came off here and ran north along the west side of the corridor to West Toronto, serving a few industries.

Today's passenger train consists of one of CP's 2200-series lightweight steel "curve-side" coaches up front (likely deadheading), two similar curve-side baggage cars (one still painted fully maroon), a Budd stainless steel baggage-dorm, and possibly another 2200-series coach in maroon (hard to tell, could just be in shadow) in-service, followed by the rest of the train of stainless steel Budds. The old lightweight steel cars dated from 1947-1950, built by NSC and CC&F, and were initially painted in full maroon with gold lettering. In the mid-1960's, CP repainted some coach and baggage variants in silver paint to match the stainless steel fleet, and gave them a maroon (some later red) letterband. Since they were used as-needed on The Canadian (and CP was getting a little tardy with its older passenger fleet), paint wasn't much of a priority, and old maroon and silver/maroon cars showed up well into the action red CP Rail era. A bunch were even transferred to VIA, but saw little if any use.

CP's fleet of freight/passenger RS10's equipped with steam generators were common on the Sudbury-Toronto runs, mixed in with 4000-series FP7 and FPA2 units. When CP was phasing out it's 244-powered Alco/MLW fleet in the mid-70's to early 80's, some RS10's hung on as passenger protection power for VIA's Canadian. The final two were used in commuter service out of Montreal in 1983.

Original photographer unknown, Dan Dell'Unto collection slide (duplicate).

unknown, Dan Dell'Unto coll. [1007] (more) (contact)
Date: Circa early 1970's (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CP 8576 8476 (search)
Train Symbol: CP 11 - The Canadian (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Parkdale - CP Galt Sub (search)
City/Town: Toronto (Parkdale) (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=55610
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