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ETL 105 was built in 3/1956 by GMDD London for the Essex Terminal and basically has worked its entire career here. Pictured working the CPKC/ETR Interchange with the iconic Detroit skyline in the background, the 0930 with 105 solo is busy working the interchange before they basically finish for the day in the mid afternoon. You can see a track that leads to the CPKC yard and in the far distance a couple CP locomotives.
The skyscrapers found from right to left, Book Tower,  Penobscot Building, 150 West Jefferson, the 2024 completed "Hudsons" Building in a dark colour, one of the tallest, and the Guardian Building in red. I've spent some time in Detroit over the last couple years and to say the "D" is getting better is an understatement. It still has it's rough spots but it's improving and fast. The Michigan Central station is getting a $1B makeover courtesy of Ford Motor Company who I believe plan to make it an office space. There are plans to bring passenger trains to that Station again, nd as well, cross one train over the border onto the Essex Terminal to VIA Windsor (Walkerville) station by 2026. I'll believe that when it happens. But GO Detroit (and Windsor!) Go. The Gordie Howe bridge will be a crown jewel.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Stephen C. Host all rights reserved.

Caption: ETL 105 was built in 3/1956 by GMDD London for the Essex Terminal and basically has worked its entire career here. Pictured working the CPKC/ETR Interchange with the iconic Detroit skyline in the background, the 0630 with 105 solo is busy working the interchange before they basically finish for the day in the mid afternoon. You can see a track that leads to the CPKC yard and in the far distance a couple CP locomotives.

The skyscrapers found from right to left, Book Tower, Penobscot Building, 150 West Jefferson, the 2024 completed "Hudsons" Building in a dark colour, one of the tallest, and the Guardian Building in red. I've spent some time in Detroit over the last couple years and to say the "D" is getting better is an understatement. It still has it's rough spots but it's improving and fast. The Michigan Central station is getting a $1B makeover courtesy of Ford Motor Company who I believe plan to make it an office space. There are plans to bring passenger trains to that Station again, nd as well, cross one train over the border onto the Essex Terminal to VIA Windsor (Walkerville) station by 2026. I'll believe that when it happens. But GO Detroit (and Windsor!) Go. The Gordie Howe bridge will be a crown jewel.

Stephen C. Host [1541] (more) (contact)
Date: 10/22/2024 (search)
Railway: Essex Terminal (search)
Reporting Marks: ETL 105 (search)
Train Symbol: 0630 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: ETR/CPKC Interchange (search)
City/Town: Windsor (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=55616
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  1. What an ‘industrious’ photo of Bob Proberts hometown (hockey related)…to all previous industries shared by these two cities.

    Of note, I recently read somewhere that at the other ‘end’ of the old Michigan Central / CASO, Buffalo terminal is also going to get revitalized. And, the rumours continue of train service again from Detroit to Toronto. Guess time will tell.

  2. A note: ETR 107 has been repainted and is no longer in the ETR Yellow. 108 is the last one – no more ETR Yellow switchers (for now).

  3. Classic ETR, with classic skyline in background and classic ETR still running 68 years after it arrived at ETR, well done.

  4. Thanks John! The best part is that locomotive defines ‘classic’ since it’s been there since ’56.

    Bob Probert…… Todd must be a Detroit fan. Domi VS Probert fights were legendary.

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