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Roster shots should be 50mm...(in digital world 50mm FX ( DX 35mm)) ....

the only way to get all four ..so 135mm it is....two builders....and what a quad....

CLC 1951 built D-T-C  44H44A1 #22 now resides in Tottenham. (D-T-C = Diesel Torque Converter)

GMD 1979 built SD40-2 #5920, active?

GMD 1950 built FP7A #4036, retired 1982ish

GMD 1954 built GP9 #8509 rebuilt 1980ish into a GP9u renumbered #1516, retired 2014

A Sunday at  Agincourt, February 22, 1981 Kodachrome by S.Danko

Interesting: yesterday (how appropriate), on Saturday December 7, 2024, that SD40-2's sister, #5920 was on the Mactier Sub-Division handling a 'work special' a k a plough extra, north of Medonte.

Copyright Notice: This image ©sdfourty all rights reserved.


Roster shots should be 50mm...(in digital world 50mm FX ( DX 35mm)) ....

the only way to get all four ..so 135mm it is....two builders....and what a quad....

CLC 1951 built D-T-C 44H44A1 #22 now resides in Tottenham. (D-T-C = Diesel Torque Converter)

GMD 1979 built SD40-2 #5920, active?

GMD 1950 built FP7A #4036, retired 1982ish

GMD 1954 built GP9 #8509 rebuilt 1980ish into a GP9u renumbered #1516, retired 2014

A Sunday at Agincourt, February 22, 1981 Kodachrome by S.Danko

Interesting: yesterday (how appropriate), on Saturday December 7, 2024, that SD40-2's sister, #5920 was on the Mactier Sub-Division handling a 'work special' a k a plough extra, north of Medonte.


sdfourty [723] (more) (contact)
Date: 02/22/1981 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CP Rail 4036 (search)
Train Symbol: n/a (search)
Subdivision/SNS: n/a (search)
City/Town: Agincourt (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=55624
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Photo ID: 54302

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One Comment
  1. What a line up…a dog’s breakfast of Power… Beautiful in every sense

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