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On Vancouver Island between a CP interchange at Lake Cowichan and a sawmill at Honeymoon Bay, Western Forest Industries operated a six-wheel Plymouth WLG3 (serial 3365 built 1929-11) numbered 40 (previously 7), and on Tuesday 1973-10-02, it picked up one empty boxcar from the interchange, seen here westward crossing over the Robertson River with three miles to go to reach home base.

Remarkably, that locomotive survives today at ninety-five years old, after serving for Westcan Terminals at Ogden Point in Victoria, now on display at the Kaatza Museum in Lake Cowichan, only three and one-half miles east of this photo location.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Ken Perry all rights reserved.

Caption: On Vancouver Island between a CP interchange at Lake Cowichan and a sawmill at Honeymoon Bay, Western Forest Industries operated a six-wheel Plymouth WLG3 (serial 3365 built 1929-11) numbered 40 (previously 7), and on Tuesday 1973-10-02, it picked up one empty boxcar from the interchange, seen here westward crossing over the Robertson River with three miles to go to reach home base.

Remarkably, that locomotive survives today at ninety-five years old, after serving for Westcan Terminals at Ogden Point in Victoria, now on display at the Kaatza Museum in Lake Cowichan, only three and one-half miles east of this photo location.

Ken Perry [207] (more) (contact)
Date: 1973-10-02 (search)
Railway: Industrial (search)
Reporting Marks: WFI 40 (search)
Train Symbol: Westward empty (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Not Provided
City/Town: Honeymoon Bay (search)
Province: British Columbia (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=55627
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Photo ID: 54305

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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  1. That’s quite the scene. You don’t expect to see a little Plymouth out roaming around.

  2. Was this the diesel that was at Ladysmith Railway Museum for a while in the 90s?

  3. Not personally known but learned from research, yes, that Plymouth was in Ladysmith in 1987 after its time at Westcan Terminals in Victoria, and in 1996 went to the Kaatza Museum in Lake Cowichan.

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