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Our ride for the evening to Bramalea arrives: With steel bell ringing and its conductor riding the front steps ready to disembark, GO Transit F59PH 520 pulls into the dark confines of Union Station's train shed on the head-end of the equipment move for train #209, the evening 5:15pm to Georgetown (making all stops, of course). The conductor will hop off here, the train will pull into position on the platform, and then he will get on trailing cab car 203 at this spot to ready for the westbound trip, as waiting commuters flock the doors. 

It's 5:09pm, and space was at a premium here as Track 1 (Platform 3) was shared between Georgetown and Richmond Hill line trains. Once one pulled out, the other would pull in and load, with regular passengers standing back on the platform awaiting their correct train (that always pulled onto the usual platform, at the usual time, every day, so no need to wait in the GO concourse for their train and platform to show up on the display). New commuters not paying attention or dozing off might find themselves making a one-way trip to Oriole GO station instead of Malton or Brampton.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Dan Dell'Unto all rights reserved.

Caption: Our ride for the evening to Bramalea arrives at golden-hour: With steel bell ringing and its conductor riding the front steps ready to dismount his steed, GO Transit F59PH 520 pulls into the dark confines of Union Station's train shed on the head-end of the equipment move for train #209, the evening 5:15pm to Georgetown (making all stops, of course). The conductor, under watchful eye of the engineer, will hop off here, the train will pull into position on the platform, and then he will get on trailing cab car 203 at this spot to ready for the westbound trip, as waiting commuters flock the doors.

It's 5:08pm, and space was at a premium here as Track 1 (Platform 3) was shared between Georgetown and Richmond Hill line trains. Once one pulled out, the other would pull in and load, with regular passengers standing back on the platform awaiting their correct train (that always pulled onto the usual platform, at the usual time, every day, so no need to wait in the GO concourse for their train and platform to show up on the display). New commuters not paying attention or dozing off might find themselves making a one-way trip to Oriole GO station instead of Malton or Brampton.

It also bears noting that both employees were still CN at the time, as Bombardier hadn't won and taken over the GO contract from CN yet.

Dan Dell'Unto [1007] (more) (contact)
Date: 03/07/2007 (search)
Railway: GO Transit (search)
Reporting Marks: GO 520 (search)
Train Symbol: GO 209 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Toronto Union Station (search)
City/Town: Toronto (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=55712
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