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Fourteen miles east of the Rabbit Lake depot photo posted a week ago, and five years later, the hamlet of Mayfair experienced the passage of CN 1046 + 1036 and a long train of grain boxcar loads collected on a Loop Job assignment out of North Battleford, via the Blaine Lake sub. to Amiens Jct., then swinging westward on the Amiens sub. to Medstead, southward on the Robinhood sub. to the Blaine Lake sub. at Speers, then westward via Denholm to home terminal North Battleford.

In following that route on a map some years later, I learned that the tail end of that train was very close to where there had been a diamond crossing of CP’s Whitkow sub. (around GPS 52.98752, -107.60351) on its way east to Ravenhead, a line with minimal photographic evidence east of Redfield.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Ken Perry all rights reserved.

Caption: Fourteen miles east of the Rabbit Lake depot photo posted a week ago, and five years later, the hamlet of Mayfair experienced the passage of CN 1046 + 1036 and a long train of grain boxcar loads collected on a Loop Job assignment out of North Battleford, via the Blaine Lake sub. to Amiens Jct., then swinging westward on the Amiens sub. to Medstead, southward on the Robinhood sub. to the Blaine Lake sub. at Speers, then westward via Denholm to home terminal North Battleford.

In following that route on a map some years later, I learned that the tail end of that train was very close to where there had been a diamond crossing of CP’s Whitkow sub. (around GPS 52.98752, -107.60351) on its way east to Ravenhead, a line with minimal photographic evidence east of Redfield.

Ken Perry [206] (more) (contact)
Date: 1981-09-22 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 1046 (search)
Train Symbol: Grain east, Loop Job (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Robinhood sub. (22.4) (search)
City/Town: Mayfair (search)
Province: Saskatchewan (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=55909
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Photo ID: 54587

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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  1. Page 456 (67 of 164 in pdf) of https://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2016/bcp-pco/CP32-26-1977-1-3-eng.pdf (Warning: That is a “rabbit hole”) has a good diagram of the branchlines in that area in 1975, part of the Hall Commission’s work.

  2. so good

  3. superb shot!!! Another example of the great days of railroading!! Time machine please.

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