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Mountains of Pig Iron sit on the east banks of the Welland Canal inside the property of the Canadian Furnace Company - Algoma Steel Corporation.  At the time the photo was taken the plant had been idle for 4 years but was on "cold" standby waiting for a call to re-start that never came.  One of this plants main customers was the 185,000 sqft. Massey-Ferguson "M" foundry (Grey Iron) in Brantford, ON.  In the distance you can see the scrap piles of the DWOR Metal Company, Bridge 20 (rail) and Bridge 21 (Auto) over the canal.  This location has been earmarked to be a new 33M CAD Great Lakes Bio-Fuel storage facility, maybe rail will go back in ?!? Thanks to Steve H for help on this one.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Michael Klauck - Harry Whiting Collection all rights reserved.

Caption: Mountains of Pig Iron sit on the east banks of the Welland Canal inside the property of the Canadian Furnace Company - Algoma Steel Corporation. At the time the photo was taken the plant had been idle for 4 years but was on "cold" standby waiting for a call to re-start that never came. One of this plants main customers was the 185,000 sqft. Massey-Ferguson "M" foundry (Grey Iron) in Brantford, ON. In the distance you can see the scrap piles of the DWOR Metal Company, Bridge 20 (rail) and Bridge 21 (Auto) over the canal. This location has been earmarked to be a new 33M CAD Great Lakes Bio-Fuel storage facility, maybe rail will go back in ?!? Thanks to Steve H for help on this one.

Michael Klauck - Harry Whiting Collection [54] (more) (contact)
Date: 26/01/1981 (search)
Railway: Industrial (search)
Reporting Marks: Canadian Furnace - Algoma Steel Corp (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Not Provided
City/Town: PORT COLBORNE (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=55967
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Photo ID: 54645

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  1. Its rumored that GIO is handling rail service at some point-time will tell!

  2. Great shot of an American diesel electric locomotive crane at work. Thanks for posting. :-)

  3. Thanks Paul…and let’s hope the rails return to the dock there

  4. Paul, according to Colin Churcher’s Industrial website listing, Canadian Furnace had 2 cranes – J3158 and J3414. Both ended up at the Soo with Algoma Steel ( parent company) and then to AC Rly.

  5. Thanks for that Bruce.
    Serial No. J-3158 became CN 9403, American 850 DE locomotive crane, s/n J-3158, built in 1952. It was surplus & for sale in Virginia, MN March 29, 2017.
    Serial No. J-3414 became CN 9404, American 850-80 DE locomotive crane, s/n J-3414, built in 1957.

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