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A special place – The Rock. 

Two trains in one: Terra Transport train #231 - Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday - has spotted the CN box bar and lifted the CP box car at Carbonear station,

 TT #232's crew is on lunch break prior to departure for St.John's: powered by GMD G8's TT #805 - TT #800. 

Carbonear Freight Shed on the extreme left. 

...no other place like it.....

August 7, 1982 negative by S.Danko.

More Terra Transport:

  Terra Transport #232 near Clarke's Beach  

    Terra Transport #206 near Lockston  

    Terra Transport power for #204, Port-aux-Basques  

    TT #927, Port-aux-Basques  

   TT #929, Corner Brook  

Copyright Notice: This image ©sdfourty all rights reserved.

Caption: A special place – The Rock.

Two trains in one: Terra Transport train #231 - Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday - has spotted the CN box bar and lifted the CP box car at Carbonear station,

TT #232's crew is on lunch break prior to departure for St.John's: powered by GMD G8's TT #805 - TT #800.

Carbonear Freight Shed on the extreme left.

...no other place like it.....

August 7, 1982 negative by S.Danko.

More Terra Transport:

Terra Transport #232 near Clarke's Beach

Terra Transport #206 near Lockston

Terra Transport power for #204, Port-aux-Basques

TT #927, Port-aux-Basques

TT #929, Corner Brook


sdfourty [685] (more) (contact)
Date: 08/07/1982 (search)
Railway: Terra Transport (search)
Reporting Marks: TT #805 (search)
Train Symbol: TT #232 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Carbonear (search)
City/Town: Carbonear (search)
Province: Newfoundland and Labrador (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=7582
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Photo ID: 6803

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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  1. How many people got on/off at the stations en-route?

  2. That summer followed / photographed Carbonear mixed trains 231 – 232 and Bonavista mixed 205 – 206: most passengers were families taking children for an afternoon train ride. Most boardings seemed near the terminal station: turnaround time at Carbonear was 20 minutes and at Bonavista 30 minutes. In this photo about eight passengers on the platform and perhaps double that on the train.

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