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A photo from Ray Hoadley, taken at Beach Rd, Hamilton as TH&B 53 heads up the Belt Line with Industrial Brown Hoist TH&B X-766 in tow as well as a couple of other cars. Ray must have been standing on the embankment of the subway underpass of the CN Grimsby sub. There had been a derailment in the TH&B Adams Yard and the "big hook" had attended to the scene. In the image there is a bulk head flat loaded with cast iron pipes, one of the cars that had derailed.
I recall going through this spot numerous times when I worked for the TH&B. Beach Road was a nasty crossing and mid 1972 a transfer job was heading up the Belt Line and hit a truck at the crossing, killing the driver, some crew members receiving minor injuries and TH&B 56 more or less wedged in the subway overpass.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Ray Hoadley, in collection of Doug Lawson all rights reserved.

Caption: A photo from Ray Hoadley, taken at Beach Rd, Hamilton as TH&B 53 heads up the Belt Line with Industrial Brown Hoist TH&B X-766 in tow as well as a couple of other cars. Ray must have been standing on the embankment of the subway underpass of the CN Grimsby sub. There had been a derailment in the TH&B Adams Yard and the "big hook" had attended to the scene. In the image there is a bulk head flat loaded with cast iron pipes, one of the cars that had derailed. I recall going through this spot numerous times when I worked for the TH&B. Beach Road was a nasty crossing and mid 1972 a transfer job was heading up the Belt Line and hit a truck at the crossing, killing the driver, some crew members receiving minor injuries and TH&B 56 more or less wedged in the subway overpass.

Ray Hoadley, in collection of Doug Lawson [250] (more) (contact)
Date: 04/04/1984 (search)
Railway: Toronto Hamilton and Buffalo (search)
Reporting Marks: TH&B 53 (search)
Train Symbol: Work Train (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Belt Line (search)
City/Town: Hamilton (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=39038
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Photo ID: 37844

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  1. This is excellent. Bridge/berm is all grown in now so you can’t do this shot as it is in this photo.

    Also, it’s still a nasty crossing, but mostly on account of the druggies, needles, and general run-down-ness of anything located by the tracks in Hamilton. Beware anyone who wanders near the Grimsby sub in town – the druggies live in camps by the tracks and are hostile.

  2. TH&B X-766 (2nd) pictured here is an Industrial Brownhoist 250 ton capacity crane, serial number 12190, built in 1954. It went on to became CP 414651 and spent a few years in Kamloops, BC and Port Coquitlam, BC. From CP it went to Northern Plains Railroad in Fordville, ND.

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