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A quartet of SD70ACU's, each in a different paint scheme  meet in the soybean fields of Wolverton. This after a huge cloud shelf that seemed to be blocking the sun all morning finally cleared, thank goodness. Long live CP - what a time to be out, eh folks? I only have 3 business days left of my two week vacation (Forced) and have been making the most of it. More to come :)
Copyright Notice: This image ©Stephen C. Host all rights reserved.

Caption: A quartet of SD70ACU's, each in a different paint scheme meet in the soybean fields of Wolverton. This after a huge cloud shelf that seemed to be blocking the sun all morning finally cleared, thank goodness. Long live CP - what a time to be out, eh folks? I only have 3 business days left of my two week vacation (Forced) and have been making the most of it. More to come :)

Stephen C. Host [1541] (more) (contact)
Date: 06/26/2020 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CP 7010/7043, CP 7016/6644 (search)
Train Symbol: CP 234-25, CP 235-26 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Wolverton (search)
City/Town: Wolverton (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=41918
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Photo ID: 40709

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  1. Just crazy…

  2. Well done, Stephen.

  3. Timing Timing Timing , great catch all round .

  4. Thank you. Right place also matters heavily with the timing. Glad to have both right for once.

  5. Well look at you! Awesome shot Mr. Host.

  6. Thank you Rob :) maybe it is time for me to shave.

  7. Nice job sir.

  8. Wow! I’ve got to start buying lottery tickets where you get them, LOL

  9. Steve’s been hoarding horseshoes again!

  10. Yes please shave

  11. How else am I supposed to do my best Mooney impression?

    Snake would be proud if he saw me

  12. Holy crap, I never thought this would break 20.. let alone 30.. wild. Thanks all.

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