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A trio of CN GP40-2W's haul a train of iron ore pellet cars uphill out of Hamilton, photographed on the Oakville sub south track between signals either side of CN Bayview. Presumably this eastbound train is empty cars heading back to load more pellets from the mine.
The upper part of another eastbound is visible on the north track near the far signal; the lead unit has a CN safety cab and is probably GMD, while the amount of dark smoke above the trailing units suggests MLW/ALco engines. 
The photographer wrote on the slide that this was a Dofasco train, and I've read that the iron ore came from  mines in Ontario's Temagami region, north of North Bay.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Bill McArthur photo, J.Pittman collection all rights reserved.

Caption: A trio of CN GP40-2W's haul a train of iron ore pellet cars uphill out of Hamilton, photographed on the Oakville sub south track between signals either side of CN Bayview. Presumably this eastbound train is empty cars heading back to load more pellets from the mine.

The upper part of another eastbound is visible on the north track near the far signal; the lead unit has a CN safety cab and is probably GMD, while the amount of dark smoke above the trailing units suggests MLW/ALco engines.

The photographer wrote on the slide that this was a Dofasco train, and I've read that the iron ore came from mines in Ontario's Temagami region, north of North Bay.

Bill McArthur photo, J.Pittman collection [288] (more) (contact)
Date: 1982-02-13 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 9647, CN 9513, CN 9??? (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: CN Bayview Jct (search)
City/Town: Hamilton (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=38231
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  1. Mr. Mooney’s picture of a loaded iron train southbound at Englehart with Ontario Northland power is recommended, and he provides more info about the mines.

  2. This would be 730′s train, heading back to the mines in Kirkland Lake and Temagami. It would usually have had 5 units into Hamilton; could be a short train, or loaned 2 to another train. That usually happened at Mac Yard, and the 3 units would continue to North Bay. They would return to Toronto the next day on general freight 470.

  3. Train 730/731. I switched off at Jane St and took the loaded cars to Hamilton. As Dave Brooks said, normally the loaded train was 5 GP40-2′s there and back. Unusual to see only 3, so the may have “borrowed” the other 2 units. This brings back so many amazing memories of working this train. Thanks Bill

  4. This might be a dumb question but I don’t recall an iron pellet train in awhile. Is it all shipped in by boat now? Or am I blind and indeed it still is by train. ;)

  5. Hey Brad, the ore trains stopped operating over 20 years ago. When I operated 730/731 to the steel mill in Hamilton, we set off the loads right next to where the boats unloaded. I assume that they get their pellets by water now.

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