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After making a pit stop at Vusley to exchange some tank cars, CCGX 4015 now has 8 freight cars trailing this mornings run. In this scene CCGX 4015 has just entered Downtown Brampton and are approaching Vodden st. Only a couple hundred feet from here is where they’ll have to stop at a red light to let a GO train on the Halton clear the diamond and then they’ll proceed straight to Streetsville not having to worry about stopping anywhere else.  The hidden track on the right is now nothing more than a really rusty and overgrown siding but was once the CN/CP interchange track back when CP ran the line as the CN Halton lies maybe half a mile south from where I was standing. It appears that the CN/CP interchange track was last used in the 90s. As CANDO’s era comes to an end and Trillium takes over the 36 mile short line spur, the interchange track shows no need for use yet but if Trillium is successful and the line remains in service for the foreseeable future the old CN/CP interchange track will likely be used again for passenger service maybe close to a decade from this day or so. After all, there has been talk for many years now on weather the GO trains will ever make it to Orangeville so it’ll be interesting to see what becomes of this location in the future.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Graydon J all rights reserved.

Caption: After making a pit stop at Vusley to exchange some tank cars, CCGX 4015 now has 8 freight cars trailing this mornings run. In this scene CCGX 4015 has just entered Downtown Brampton and are approaching Vodden st. Only a couple hundred feet from here is where they’ll have to stop at a red light to let a GO train on the Halton clear the diamond and then they’ll proceed straight to Streetsville not having to worry about stopping anywhere else.
The hidden track on the right is now nothing more than a really rusty and overgrown siding but was once the CN/CP interchange track back when CP ran the line as the CN Halton lies maybe half a mile south from where I was standing. It appears that the CN/CP interchange track was last used in the 90s. As CANDO’s era comes to an end and Trillium takes over the 36 mile short line spur, the interchange track shows no need for use yet but if Trillium is successful and the line remains in service for the foreseeable future the old CN/CP interchange track will likely be used again for passenger service maybe close to a decade from this day or so. After all, there has been talk for many years now on weather the GO trains will ever make it to Orangeville so it’ll be interesting to see what becomes of this location in the future.

Graydon J [115] (more) (contact)
Date: 05/25/2018 (search)
Railway: Orangeville-Brampton Railway (search)
Reporting Marks: CCGX 4015 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: CPR Owensound Spur (search)
City/Town: Brampton (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=33662
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  1. Hopefully Trillium can also interchange with the CNR

  2. I myself don’t see any reason why that will happen because during CNADO’s Era they never used the interchange track so I’m guessing maybe if Trillium is successful with adding on more consumers to the line then maybe there will be use for the interchange track depending on where the factories are shipping their products but I wouldn’t know for sure. The Halton Sub in Downtown Brampton has not seen a local on a regular basis for pretty much over a decade now. Last consumer in downtown on the CN line was Georgia Pacific which was served by the Dixie Cup Spur so ever since they stopped using Rail locals only came into downtown on rare occasions. I myself still have yet to see a pair of geeps downtown even though I’ve been coming here to railfan since like 2008. I lived far from the tracks so couldn’t get out here too often however.
    Question, do any of you on here know they exact day the Dixie Cup Spur saw its last Train if not than at least when in 07 or 08 that happened (example, CANDO left the OBRY June 2018)? Just something I have always been so curious of.

  3. CNR interchange still legally exists. CN traffic has always been handled, in fact most of Vulsay’s traffic was at one time CN.

    All interchange between CN and CP has by mutual agreement for many years been consolidated to one location in GTA. Currently, it is CP West Toronto.

  4. Good thread. Only time will tell! It reminds me of shortline in South Carolina that used to run down to Myrtle Beach, a popular spot for Canadian tourists.. While everyone was enjoying the beach (and I did too) I used add to the vacation experience railfanning that line. Since my 11 years of going to Myrtle Beach the post Seaboard System were rsn by 4 different operators. The last once a ramshackle operation..some of the worse track i’ve seen on You Tube (Carolina Southern they were called) and eventually the line was shut for 3 Years and brought back to life by RJ Corman (a G&W type operation with many short lines) working with the county down there expand their customer base and attract industry..jobs and so forth. So very similar to the town of Orangeville!

  5. Interesting story Brad. Thanks for sharing! Ah the memories. Wait till I get to your age lol. And I look back at all the photographing memories I had as a teen especially in the summer when I was off of school.

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