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CP B102 was built by MLW in 1957. It is class SB-10b and weighs in at 230,000 pounds. CP had 4 slugs built new by MLW: B100 and B101 in 1951 and B102 and B103 in 1957.  The unit was photographed in Thunder Bay.  Location on map is a guess.
Copyright Notice: This image ©First954 all rights reserved.

Caption: CP B102 was built by MLW in 1957. It is class SB-10b and weighs in at 230,000 pounds. CP had 4 slugs built new by MLW: B100 and B101 in 1951 and B102 and B103 in 1957. The unit was photographed in Thunder Bay. Location on map is a guess.

First954 [285] (more) (contact)
Date: 07/26/1977 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CP B102 (search)
Train Symbol: N/A (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Thunder Bay (search)
City/Town: Thunder Bay (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=55506
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Photo ID: 54184

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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  1. That view angle is perfect to see cables to all four traction motors, an upgrade from just two as built new on B102 B103. CP’s Haulage Capacity booklet dated 1962-07-01 showed them still with just two traction motors each, so when were they upgraded to four as shown in the 1976-04-01 booklet?

  2. I have a Motive Power booklet dated February 1, 1972, that indicates the tractor effort being 43,000 for all four booster units. This would indicate that the upgrade was done prior to that date.

  3. That narrows my knowledge gap by 4+ years, thanks.

  4. When did these go off roster?

  5. B100 new 1951 (MLW 77710), retired 1982-05, to scale test car 420931.
    B101 new 1951 (MLW 77711), retired 1983-02.
    B100 and B101 matched with 7030, 7033, 7038, 7039 and 7040.
    B102 new 1957 (MLW 82187), usually with 7081, retired 1983-02.
    B103 new 1957 (MLW 82188), usually with 7083, retired 1983-06.
    7082 appears to have been an alternate mother for either of B102 and B103.

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