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Having crested the climb from Port Hope, X321's train drops through the sag at is approaches Newtonville Road behind BNSF 4777 and CN 2116. 1537hrs.

In the distance you can see the tail of VIA #44 just before the tracks curve out of sight. It is stopped short of the block signals at the Newtonville crossovers waiting for traffic to clear so it may proceed. With rail replacements taking place on the North Track between Newtonville and Cobourg, everything is being funneled over the South Track, making for some significant delays on what is normally a fairly fluid line. VIA #44 got off lucky. Earlier, VIA #64 fared much worse, having sat at Newtonville for over an hour for CN X371, CN 107, VIA 643, CN 305 and CN 121.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Mike Lockwood all rights reserved.

Caption: Having crested the climb from Port Hope, X321's train drops through the sag at is approaches Newtonville Road behind BNSF 4777 and CN 2116. 1537hrs.

In the distance you can see the tail of VIA #44 just before the tracks curve out of sight. It is stopped short of the block signals at the Newtonville crossovers waiting for traffic to clear so it may proceed. With rail replacements taking place on the North Track between Newtonville and Cobourg, everything is being funneled over the South Track, making for some significant delays on what is normally a fairly fluid line. VIA #44 got off lucky. Earlier, VIA #64 fared much worse, having sat at Newtonville for over an hour for CN X371, CN 107, VIA 643, CN 305 and CN 121.

Mike Lockwood [264] (more) (contact)
Date: 03/22/2014 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: BNSF 4777 (search)
Train Symbol: CN X321 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CN Kingston Sub (search)
City/Town: Newtonville (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=14320
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Photo ID: 13298

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  1. +1 for getting it in PL, seems no one else could.

  2. Thing is, there were a lot of very large clouds rolling by, with some equally large breaks in between. Got lucky on the right train ;-)

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