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Nowadays, three foot gauge White Pass and Yukon Railway mainly serves as a summer-season passenger railway  carrying cruise ship and other tourists to view the mountain scenery on a round trip from Skagway Alaska to the White Pass Summit, or the longer trip between Skagway and Fraser BC (about 12.5 km into Canada, where the Klondike Highway comes close to the railway).  
GE shovelnose units WPY 97 and 91 are northbound with their train past the south siding switch at Fraser BC, with Bernard Lake alongside. Passengers arriving by tour bus will board at Fraser, for their return to Skagway.  
Originally powered by Alco 6-251 prime movers, these units have been re-engined with Cummins QSK45L diesels and now sound totally different, much higher revving.  I miss the Alco chug, but lower emissions is an important benefit.
Copyright Notice: This image ©John Pittman all rights reserved.

Caption: Nowadays, three foot gauge White Pass and Yukon Railway mainly serves as a summer-season passenger railway carrying cruise ship and other tourists to view the mountain scenery on a round trip from Skagway Alaska to the White Pass Summit, or the longer trip between Skagway and Fraser BC (about 12.5 km into Canada, where the Klondike Highway comes close to the railway).

GE shovelnose units WPY 97 and 91 are northbound with their train past the south siding switch at Fraser BC, with Bernard Lake alongside. Passengers arriving by tour bus will board at Fraser, for their return to Skagway.

Originally powered by Alco 6-251 prime movers, these units have been re-engined with Cummins QSK45L diesels and now sound totally different, much higher revving. I miss the Alco chug, but lower emissions is an important benefit.

John Pittman [288] (more) (contact)
Date: 07/12/2013 (search)
Railway: White Pass and Yukon (search)
Reporting Marks: wpy91,wpy97 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Fraser BC (search)
City/Town: Fraser (search)
Province: British Columbia (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=21331
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