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Quite some time ago I posted a photo of this caboose taken in the evening and showing the west side. For completeness and the fact there is a crest on the opposite side. Here is the east side taken in the morning sun. I drove by hear the other day and the caboose is still standing sentinel over the Strathcona industrial district. It certainly has my vote to keep it standing.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Seth B. all rights reserved.

Caption: Quite some time ago I posted a photo of this caboose taken in the evening and showing the west side. For completeness and the fact there is a crest on the opposite side. Here is the east side taken in the morning sun. I drove by hear the other day and the caboose is still standing sentinel over the Strathcona industrial district. It certainly has my vote to keep it standing.

Seth B. [315] (more) (contact)
Date: 04/28/2018 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 79617 (search)
Train Symbol: Training caboose (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Camrose Sub. (located by) (search)
City/Town: Edmonton (search)
Province: Alberta (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=49069
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Photo ID: 47795

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  1. It seems CN puts value on caboose trucks, as those are not the original equipment. The originals have been replaced with trucks that, from a quick search, are quite often found under old work train cars and the like. If CN kept the original roller bearing trucks (from their many cabeese :-) ), what is riding around on top of them now?

  2. Same thing happened to caboose 79217 here in Guelph, sitting on work equipment trucks.

  3. How high is that bridge ?

  4. Here is a link to my first post. http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=38566
    It gives a good idea of the height. 3 cabooses could be stacked one on top of another and it looks like that will not be enough.

  5. That bridge is originally an ore load out from down east.

  6. Thunder Bay was a named mentioned in that regard.

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