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This is the 9150 after being converted to a B unit. Again, from the CNRHA, it was released back to road service in December, 1984. Here it is working with the 4603, 4330, 9108 and 4216, hauling loaded sulphur hoppers to Edmonton. The actual day is iffy, but the first few days of September for sure. This photo was shot a few miles west of Redwater. From the date this picture was taken, the 9108 only has a couple of years of life left. The CNRHA reports it was retired in December, 1989. If these units had been easier to get in and out of, I would think they may have had longer lives, like their GP9 brothers. Please see my neighbouring photo for the first part of this caption. Thanks.
Copyright Notice: This image ©L. Priest all rights reserved.

Caption: This is the 9150 after being converted to a B unit. Again, from the CNRHA, it was released back to road service in December, 1984. Here it is working with the 4603, 4330, 9108 and 4216, hauling loaded sulphur hoppers to Edmonton. The actual day is iffy, but the first few days of September for sure. This photo was shot a few miles west of Redwater. From the date this picture was taken, the 9108 only has a couple of years of life left. The CNRHA reports it was retired in December, 1989. If these units had been easier to get in and out of, I would think they may have had longer lives, like their GP9 brothers. Please see my neighbouring photo for the first part of this caption. Thanks.

L. Priest [315] (more) (contact)
Date: 09/01?/1987 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 4603 (search)
Train Symbol: Sulphur train (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Coronado Sub. (search)
City/Town: Redwater (search)
Province: Alberta (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=39440
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Photo ID: 38246

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  1. A great and rather ghostly photo. Well done Larry.

  2. Just like the CP SD40′s that were converted to B unit service, to me, it looks so odd having the windows covered and painted. Thanks Joe. I have a notion we both can’t wait to see what the other will post next. :-)

  3. Your notion is correct but I doubt that I can keep up with you. :-)

  4. Don’t sell yourself short. You pitched a good fastball today and 2 thumbs up to that. :^)

  5. Thank you Sir.

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