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Welcome to CN. "Why the hell would they start a course when people are still laid off" I overhead in the A building at Mac Yard as I began what to be my life's dream job. 3 weeks of classroom writing out the rule book(to appease the lawyers, no doubt), with tours of the yard, fam trips, and so much more. Questions of why 40-50 GP40-2's sat wrapped like this in L yard during the lingering downturn would lead to an 18-month layoff halfway through my 25 training trips where I was an extra body on a yard crew learning more than could ever be taught in a classroom. More layoffs, a brief stint and Bridges and Structures before being loaned to the Western Divison; just as their traffic collapsed, before being recalled in Ontario in November of 1984......and working 56 straight days in a row when it happened. Such is how quickly traffic can pick up on the railroad. 

It was a short career, ending in 1988 having discovered that life on the railroad wasn't quite what I dreamt it would be. But there are moments, memories and stories; some hysterical, some not so much that I will never forget.

Inspired by Bram Bailey's shot https://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=50740
Copyright Notice: This image ©David Brook all rights reserved.

Caption: Welcome to CN. "Why the hell would they start a course when people are still laid off" I overhead in the A building at Mac Yard as I began what to be my life's dream job. 3 weeks of classroom writing out the rule book(to appease the lawyers, no doubt), with tours of the yard, fam trips, and so much more. Questions of why 40-50 GP40-2's sat wrapped like this in L yard during the lingering downturn would lead to an 18-month layoff halfway through my 25 training trips where I was an extra body on a yard crew learning more than could ever be taught in a classroom. More layoffs, a brief stint and Bridges and Structures before being loaned to the Western Divison; just as their traffic collapsed, before being recalled in Ontario in November of 1984......and working 56 straight days in a row when it happened. Such is how quickly traffic can pick up on the railroad. It was a short career, ending in 1988 having discovered that life on the railroad wasn't quite what I dreamt it would be. But there are moments, memories and stories; some hysterical, some not so much that I will never forget. Inspired by Bram Bailey's shot https://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=50740

David Brook [860] (more) (contact)
Date: 04/1981 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 9511 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: CN MacMillan Yard (search)
City/Town: Vaughan (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=54322
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  1. Great picture and story Dave. Thank you, Bill

  2. Great pic..I hired on as a brakeman/yardman in June 1981 and retired (locomotive engineer in 1988) in May 2017 after . I definitely was my dream job. Sure some days were beter than others, but I was blessed to live my dream. Wouldn’t change it for anything!

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