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IC 2456, IC 2705, and CN 8851 lead 149's train through the broad curve at Bowmanville. Traces of the one time town spur to the Goodyear plant are slowly succumbing to vegetation or the wrecking crew, the only visible evidence in this view being the path to the left of the train. The shot here is getting tighter and tighter, and unless some foam hero does a little covert trimming, this classic view will be lost. 1914hrs.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Mike Lockwood all rights reserved.

Caption: IC 2456, IC 2705, and CN 8851 lead 149's train through the broad curve at Bowmanville. Traces of the one time town spur to the Goodyear plant are slowly succumbing to vegetation or the wrecking crew, the only visible evidence in this view being the path to the left of the train. The shot here is getting tighter and tighter, and unless some foam hero does a little covert trimming, this classic view will be lost. 1914hrs.

Mike Lockwood [264] (more) (contact)
Date: 05/12/2016 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: IC 2456 (search)
Train Symbol: CN 149 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CN Kingston Sub (search)
City/Town: Bowmanville (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=24701
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Photo ID: 23552

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  1. Excellent image, Mike !!

  2. Nice shot Mike. I had only been up the Goodyear plant twice before it was no longer used. Both times to pick up giant reels of rubber for conveyer belts for coal mines. It was interesting going to the plant as the track ran righ in front of homes and many times we had to have cars removed from the right away.
    I am also old enough to remember when these tracks used to go at road level across the 401!

  3. Thanks Arnold, n4u.

    I remember the crossing as well, but I was very young when it was still in place. All I remember is being a 4 or 5 year old kid observant enough to grasp that the grade crossing on the 401 was odd. It’s funny the things that we recall from being a kid. I would have loved to have seen it in use, more so to have shot it, and you’re lucky to have made those trips. I do recall seeing a very large Goodyear conveyor belt on a westbound at Beare in the mid-90′s and being surprised to see it since it was proof the spur was still active.

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