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I always here the same comment about the Grimsby Subdivision, whether it's when I'm railfanning along the line or posting photos online: "man, for a mainline it's awfully grassy." For a mainline, it's pretty overgrown. The line sees about 4 or 5 trains on a weekday and more on summer/holiday weekends when the GO train runs the line. The Grimsby is going to major changes though, as the line is being prepared for fulltime GO service. If they do cut down the weeds, it'll be open for some shots that haven't been clear for shots in a while, so I'm quite ready for that :)
Copyright Notice: This image ©Doctapinklaces all rights reserved.

Caption: I always here the same comment about the Grimsby Subdivision, whether it's when I'm railfanning along the line or posting photos online: "man, for a mainline it's awfully grassy." For a mainline, it's pretty overgrown. The line sees about 4 or 5 trains on a weekday and more on summer/holiday weekends when the GO train runs the line. The Grimsby is going to major changes though, as the line is being prepared for fulltime GO service. If they do cut down the weeds, it'll be open for some shots that haven't been clear for shots in a while, so I'm quite ready for that :)

Doctapinklaces [73] (more) (contact)
Date: 5/20/2016 (search)
Railway: Amtrak (search)
Reporting Marks: AM 112 (search)
Train Symbol: AM 98 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Grimsby Subdivision (search)
City/Town: St Catharines (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=25801
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Photo ID: 24652

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  1. @docta.. next time bring the weed whacket!
    The Grimbsy was great when I was a conductor and when I was training to become a hogger..good balast and 60 mph double track. Its stil good for 60, but its the only track I have ever been on where passenger trains only do 5mph faster than freights. Hopefully when rgeular GO service starts, that will all change

  2. @ngineered4u….Hogger god to the rescue !!

  3. I know a couple people who have been trying to take care of the weeds there, it’ll take alot of work though lol. A couple weeks ago the GO Train flew by the station going at least 65, I didn’t know you could go that fast at that part.

  4. @Dopcta..yes the entire subdivision is 65 except 30 mph from Parkdale into Hamilton. 40mph over the bridge at Mi 18.4 40 Mph atbetween St Kitts and Glenridge and 25 MPH crossing over the bridge at Seaway

  5. Ya get the feeling we live in the Lost Land, Docta? The Suits can’t even spare a can of weed killer for us.

  6. Welcome to The Jungle, I suppose

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