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The weekend worriers and rent a wrecks meet west of London. Train 904 holds the bolted rail main while a west bound sits in the siding. (904,s power GO 706 72? 704 70? The west bound B&O 4809 C&O 4820 B&O 4800 and not in the picture CP 421? . Power short CP would get as many GO units as possible on Friday nights. Run threw to Windsor back to Montreal , then return to Toronto for servicing and the Monday morning commute.
Copyright Notice: This image ©darrell lupson all rights reserved.

Caption: The weekend worriers and rent a wrecks meet west of London. Train 904 holds the bolted rail main while a west bound sits in the siding. (904,s power GO 706 72? 704 70? The west bound B&O 4809 C&O 4820 B&O 4800 and not in the picture CP 421? . Power short CP would get as many GO units as possible on Friday nights. Run threw to Windsor back to Montreal , then return to Toronto for servicing and the Monday morning commute.

darrell lupson [110] (more) (contact)
Date: 11/00/1984 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: GO706 (search)
Train Symbol: 904 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Windsor sub (search)
City/Town: lobo ?? (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=26917
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Photo ID: 25762

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  1. Only CP!!!

  2. Ah man, this is way too cool.

  3. Oh my……..

    it almost looks like an alternate universe.

  4. Dear God.

  5. How times have changed on CP eh?

  6. ..reminds me of my first visit to CPR Leaside, C&O f units on a westbound…then B&O units on the eastbound, for a while I thought maybe CP was bought by C&O! ( hey hey reverse was recently attempted!)…this shot is remarkable

  7. I wish I had photos of some of the odd consists I worked on. Here’s some examples from a decade earlier, 1974, somewhere btwn Windsor & Toronto.
    Mar 2, No 54 CP8585, 8124 & BLE 725A
    Mar 29,No 916 B&M 1567(minuteman),Peco 901,CP 4019
    Dec 6, No 942 C&O 4065, 5160,3524

  8. I should also note, Darryl’s photos are great, he’s captured a lot of very interesting stuff over the years.

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