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N&W ND-91 passes the Walker Road crossing gate tower (Adjacent to the Walkerville VIA station) as it arrives in Windsor, Ont on March 27th 1984 with a pair of Ex Illinois Terminal GP38-2's.  I actually worked one shift in that tower.  When CN took over the Conrail Canada Division I was working as a Car Control Clerk. When CN took over we were merged in with the CN clerks and with barely any seniority I ended up on the spareboeard. One day I get a call to work afternoon shift at the gate tower. Now the gate tower men were S&C (Signals) guys on light duties, but since they didn't have a spareboard the clerks covered any vacancies. With no training whatsoever I arrived at the tower. The guy on days said " When a train comes put the gates down. I you gotta take a leak go behind the bushes at the bottom of the stairs and if you gotta take a dump, put the gates down and go to the VIA station" and he left. There was just a phone in the tower.  Good thing I took slides to label and I called one of my railfan friends to come visit me and bring me a Harveys burger.
Copyright Notice: This image ©David J Parker all rights reserved.

Caption: N&W ND-91 passes the Walker Road crossing gate tower (Adjacent to the Walkerville VIA station) as it arrives in Windsor, Ont on March 27th 1984 with a pair of Ex Illinois Terminal GP38-2's. I actually worked one shift in that tower. When CN took over the Conrail Canada Division I was working as a Car Control Clerk. When CN took over we were merged in with the CN clerks and with barely any seniority I ended up on the spareboeard. One day I get a call to work afternoon shift at the gate tower. Now the gate tower men were S&C (Signals) guys on light duties, but since they didn't have a spareboard the clerks covered any vacancies. With no training whatsoever I arrived at the tower. The guy on days said " When a train comes put the gates down. I you gotta take a leak go behind the bushes at the bottom of the stairs and if you gotta take a dump, put the gates down and go to the VIA station" and he left. There was just a phone in the tower. Good thing I took slides to label and I called one of my railfan friends to come visit me and bring me a Harveys burger.

David J Parker [132] (more) (contact)
Date: 03/27/1984 (search)
Railway: Norfolk and Western (search)
Reporting Marks: NW4160-NW4163 (search)
Train Symbol: ND-91 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CN Chatham Sub (search)
City/Town: Windosr (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=27401
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Photo ID: 26244

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  1. Very nice photo and story. Was 91 predictable timing wise? I note only Eastbounds showed in the timetable…. no westbounds.

  2. ND-91 usually came in early morning.

  3. Nice shot of some ex IT geeps! By any chance do you still railfan?

  4. Nice shot Dave showing some of that lost Walkerville history.

  5. I love the uh “restroom” instructions. Hilarious.

  6. Yeah, that caption is a riot. But I cannot see the bushes. Did you kill ‘em??? :o )

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