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B&O 4341 leads C&O SC-5 past Windsor Depot on April 5th 1980 with phosphate rock empties on the head end.
Copyright Notice: This image ©David J Parker all rights reserved.

Caption: B&O 4341 leads C&O SC-5 past Windsor Depot on April 5th 1980 with phosphate rock empties on the head end.

David J Parker [132] (more) (contact)
Date: 04/05/1980 (search)
Railway: Chesapeake and Ohio (search)
Reporting Marks: 4341-3527-4420-3894 (search)
Train Symbol: SC-5 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CR Canada Division (search)
City/Town: Windsor (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=27475
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Photo ID: 26318

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  1. Awesome. This is great stuff. Where did SC-5 originate and terminate – was this a run-thru train?

  2. Yes it was a run-thru. I always understood “SC” and being “Suspension Bridge to Chicago” but it more than likely originated in Buffalo.

  3. I recognize that leader on numerous trains around Niagara over the years. Very nice shot.

  4. How many trains would the CASO have seen in a day? Was that double track put to good use by this date?

  5. You’ve been posting some really great stuff Dave! Keep it up!

  6. At this date it was still Conrail. The C&O trains would only run as far as Pelton and then their own track to St Thomas. Then use the trackage rights St Thomas to Niagara Falls. There were sometimes up to four thru trains plus in Windsor we had the C&O Pullers and 937/942 that went to the CP.

  7. Mr. Young, this may help with some info. A two part article on the Conrail in Canada in 1979:



    Some great info and photos in here.

    I wonder who the agent was at Windsor that the article references asking at the station for information would be ‘well received as the operator on duty is usually a rail enthusiast’ !!

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