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TTC PCC 4380 operating on the Dundas route (pre-route numbers, which started around 1980) stops to pick up passengers at the north-east corner of Yonge and Dundas, by a set of stairs that lead down to the Dundas Subway Station on the Yonge line. The low-rise building at the north-east corner, once home to the Brown Derby Tavern, has recently been remodeled in the past year or two with various fast food and retail outlets (and Paradise Nude Girls, from a time when Yonge St. was the place to go in Toronto to get your smut). 

Much has changed here in roughly 40 years: the PCC streetcars have been replaced with CLRV's (soon to be replaced with new Bombardier equipment), the low-rise commercial building on the corner has been replaced with the towering 10 Dundas East (ex-Metropolis) building plastered with advertising, and with an indoor subway connection. Ryerson University's Victoria Building in the background is probably the only recognizable thing today. Oh, and much of the smut has since been gentrified from Yonge Street (the holdout being the Zanzibar up the street).

Robert D. McMann photo, Dan Dell'Unto collection.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Robert D. McMann photo, Dan Dell'Unto coll. all rights reserved.

Caption: TTC PCC 4380 operating on the Dundas route (pre-route numbers, which started around 1980) stops to pick up passengers at the north-east corner of Yonge and Dundas, by a set of stairs that lead down to the Dundas Subway Station on the Yonge line. The low-rise building at the north-east corner, once home to the Brown Derby Tavern, has recently been remodeled in the past year or two with various fast food and retail outlets (and Paradise Nude Girls, from a time when Yonge St. was the place to go in Toronto to get your smut).

Much has changed here in roughly 40 years: the PCC streetcars have been replaced with CLRV's (soon to be replaced with new Bombardier equipment), the low-rise commercial building on the corner has been replaced with the towering 10 Dundas East (ex-Metropolis) building plastered with advertising, and with an indoor subway connection. Ryerson University's Victoria Building in the background is probably the only recognizable thing today. Oh, and much of the smut has since been gentrified from Yonge Street (the holdout being the Zanzibar up the street).

Robert D. McMann photo, Dan Dell'Unto collection.

Robert D. McMann photo, Dan Dell'Unto coll. [1007] (more) (contact)
Date: 08/17/1976 (search)
Railway: Toronto Transit Commission (search)
Reporting Marks: TTC 4380 (search)
Train Symbol: King (wbnd - Dundas West Stn) (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Dundas St. W at Yonge St. (search)
City/Town: Toronto (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=31453
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  1. No more smut!!!! I knew there was a reason I do not go to Toronto any more. :o )

  2. When I saw the “Nude Girls” thing, I just had to laugh.

    Yonge St. was also the place to go to get fake ID’s. I had one done that said “Army of Canada”. Sometimes that ID would work, if you weren’t smart. Other times it would not.

    Nowadays, the whole place is lit brighter than a damned Christmas Tree.

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